Chapter 060: ... Home...

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(Shawn POV)

My hands were trembling as I fidgeted with my fingers, I was sweating bullets while shitting bricks! I can't believe what I'm doing… we're sailing back to Dawn Island in the East Blue. I heard in the newspaper how Luffy kicked Doflamingo's ass & saved Dressrosa

So that was the reason he hadn't been coming to the meetings lately, last time he did he presented to me… my devil fruit. I was shocked when I saw it, I swallowed thick salvia as I stared at it. He said he was going to use it as a prize in a coliseum to lure in… Luffy

After Fishman island Ace had left the straw hats to go back to the Whitebeard & was now currently Commander of the 1st Division. Back to the coliseum, Ace had gone back to help Luffy get my fruit back, is what I heard from a little sly fox

She told me how the revolutionary army was there as well & she saw Koala, I immediately calmed myself just at the thought of Koala smiling at me again. I jump when I heard a knock on the door, I realized crystals formed again around me so I force myself out of the room & answered the door

"… yes…?"

"Papa?" I look & see it was Torch, she looked up at me worriedly "You don't look well papa!" I chuckle

"I'm alright." she crossed her arms

"Don't lie to me, I can tell what's a lie & what's not, papa." I sigh & ruffle her head before leaning against the doorframe & sliding down to the floor

"I guess I'm a bit nervous to go back, ya know? I've been dead for 2 years & the people I call family live on that island! I don't know what they'll think if they see me…" I bury my face in my knees & I felt her hug me

"Papa… they'll still think if you as you, the WILL still keep loving you, until the end." I start tearing as I slowly hug her back as I slowly smile

"… thank you, that really helps." I look at her & saw her smile brightly at me

"Its nothing!"

(Time Skip)

We docked on the island & I was anxiously tapping my foot on the ground as my stomach did flips, I felt Volpina place a hand on my shoulder as she nervously smiled at me

"Your feeling oozy too?" she nodded

"Obviously, we haven't been here for 12 years Boss–sama!" I playfully pout

"Can you please call me by my name?" she rolled her eyes

"I'll think about it, Shaw…" I smile cheerfully & hug her from behind, she laughs lightly & pats my shoulder "Let's go now, I wanna see Makino–sama!" I nod & we get off the ship. The trio, Storm, Will & Valor follow us as we made our way to Makino's bar

I was legit, shitting bricks right now. I gulp what was left in my throat & found myself in front of her bar, I take a deep breath before opening the doors & walking in with a straight face with only Volpina following. Inside there was Makino, the mayor & hell, Dadan & the mountain bandits

"Oh dear, I'm sorry sir, but how can I help you?" she said with a few giggles, but stopped when she looked at me but then at-- "Volpina–san! Is that really you?!" she came from the back if the counter & goes to hug her but she (Volpina) puts her hand up

"U–Uh, Makino–sama…" she tilted her head to the side & soon enough everyone was looking at us, Volpina then motioned to me so Makino looked at me, she intensely stared at me

"Do I… know you?" I grab her hands & smile when I pulled my hat off & stared down at her, she gasped as her eyes widened & tears appeared

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