Chapter 008: What Did They DO?! Part 2

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(there's like 2 part 2s in this story, wow)

(Third Person POV)

Both Ace & Luffy felt really guilty for leaving Shaw like that, sure he promised he'd get out of that mess but doesn't mean they had to leave him. Ace was about to make a run for it back to Shaw when suddenly him Luffy were grabbed

"W-What the...?!" Bluejam was back, & he was pissed! The King didn't let him into the kingdom & his ship had burned to a crisp, he grits his teeth as he pulled his gun out

"I guess that Shawn kid was right after all, all Nobles are selfish!" he then grabbed Ace by his hair & smirked "Now, I'll let you kids go if you tell me where that loot is." Ace's eyes widened

"W-What?! Are you serious?!"

"If I can't be a noble, then maybe if I steal that money from you I'd feel like one!" Ace glared up at him

"Never! It took me & Sabo over 6 years to get a lot! & with the help of Shaw & Luffy, we'll finally set sail so forget it." Bluejam went silent before smirking & pulling his blade out, he looked at his comrade & he immediately understood when Luffy was thrown to the ground "H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Maybe you'll change your mind if your pal here is in danger!" his eyes widened

"N-No, stop!"

"I'll give you to the count of 3."



"Don't do it!"




"No, don't do it, stop!!!" & like that, a shockwave had just come from Ace as everyone, but Luffy & Bluejam, were knocked unconscious. Bluejam stood astounded as his whole crew were taken down, all at once

"Damn brat!" he grabbed Ace by the throat & slammed him to the ground & pulled his gun to Ace's head "This'll teach you a lesson!"


"Close your eyes!" he didn't understand but did so anyways "Betsu no Dangan...:... Light Bullet...!" a large bright light emerged from that small bullet & Bluejam was blinded before being sucker punched... by Dadan & Volpina

"Shaw! Dadan! Volpina!"

"I knew something was going down when you were helping that Bluejam guy out! So I hurried & got Dadan-sama & the rest of the Mountain Bandits!"

"Shaw (I accidentally write Alex there)!"

"What happened?!" one of the bandits asked as they touched his shoulder, he winched

"I'm fine! I need to kick his ass though..." he fell to the ground & coughed up some blood


"I'm okay I'm okay!" him & Ace stood side to side as the glared at the pirate, Dadan sighed as she had to stay back & make sure they came back safely

"You guys go back! Take Luffy back to the hideout, I'll make sure these two come home!"


"That's an order!" Volpina was going to protest until she looked at Shaw's expression, he was pleading at her to take them, to take Luffy back & make sure he's safe

"Uh... f-fine, but you guys better come back!" she said as they all ran back with Luffy, the other three look back at Bluejam was a determined look

"We intend too..." it took awhile to beat him but not exactly, he kicked Ace away & had his back turned so Dadan went to strike him but unfortunately he cut the blade off of her axe & was going to slash at her but Shaw moved away & slashed his left eye, he fell to the ground & clutched his eye

"M-My eyes...!"

"Shaw!" another bad thing, Bluejam kicked him down & his left eye got burned as well "I'm going to kill you for that!" Dadan yelled, he smirked but it disappeared when Ace threw his pipe over Bluejam's neck & began choking him. Dadan tackled him & began beating him until he stopped struggling, they look back at Shaw & saw he was clutching his left eye

"Dammit, we need to go now!" Dadan grabbed Shaw & started running to try & find an exit, bit they were all blocked off because of the fire

"The only we can do is run through it!" before they could, Shaw slowly pulled his pistol out & pointed it at the outraging fire

"B-Betsu no Dangan...: White Bullet..." the fire suddenly disappeared & his arm went limp, they ran out & hurried to the hut, they made it on time & the two practically yelled at the bandits

"Fix him!! I think he just lost his eye!!"

"What?!" they pulled him into bed & started tending his wounds, he had a lot. The burns, his shoulder & the big thing... his left eye "Dadan... I don't think he'll be seeing through that eye again."

"Are you sure?!"

"W-Well there's a 50/50% chance he might but I'm not so sure. His eye was slashed & burnt so... let's hope." Luffy & Ace looked at him & he was covered in bandages, Volpina was in her fox form as she laid next to him

"Please wake up soon, Boss-sama." Ace shook his head as Luffy hugged him, he slowly hugged him back

"Come Shaw...! You promised you'd come back."

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