Chapter 088: Wedding Day

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(Third Person POV)

Shaw pulled at the tie around his neck & growled a bit, did Koala really have to do a number on his neck? The only one who saw all the bruises, bite marks & hickeys on his neck was Zoro, who gave him a thumbs up

If you couldn't tell already, it was the next day & it was the special Wedding Day! Yay~ The girls barged into their room & practically pulled Koala out of the room, leaving a confused Shaw in the bed, but eventually the boys came & got him as well… while he was putting his clothes on

"This isn't necessary…" he grumbled under his breath as the boys poured sake into shot glasses

"This'll be a cheers to the day Shaw got married to the girl who stole his perverted heart!" Shaw rolled his eyes before grabbing a glass

"Whatever…!" & they gulped it down, but in the end, Shaw couldn't help but smile. They sat him down on a chair & a mirror was placed in front of him "Alrighty then, who's doing my hair?" suddenly Ivankov was in front of him, he sunk in his seat as he stared up at the Drag Queen with widened eyes

"Long time no see Top hat–boy, I've been so busy on my island, I haven't had the time to see your cute face." both Sanji & Shaw shuddered "Now, who's ready for their haircut~?" but Shaw was fucking sprinting out of there

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Not today, not ever!!"

"We were only joking! Thatch is doing your hair!"

"NOPE!!" they sighed, Sanji & Valor went after him & eventually brought him back & they had to tie sea prism stone on him so he wouldn't sprint off again "AH FUCK!! LET ME GO!! MAKINOOOO!!!" she giggled as she walked by with Koala's dress

"Sorry sweetheart, I can't help your right now."

"Traitor!!!" she laughed this time

"Goodbye~" she walked into a different building & saw the girls bedazzling Koala, who couldn't stop laughing at their effort

"Is that my dress?" she asked, Makino nodded with a smile

"Yes, plus, the boys seem to be torturing poor Shaw–kun."

"Eh? How so?"

"Hmm, strapping him to a chair, pretending to let Ivan–chan do his hair." Keisha cringed a bit

"Have you guys met Ivankov yet?" some shook their head "Good." was all she said, Koala couldn't help but laugh at that

"Here Koala–chan, try it on." she took the dress from Makino & tried it on, Makino also gave the bridesmaids their dresses, & so her & the others waited for them to come out

"Oh, we look fabulous!" Nami squealed, Makino chuckled "Thank you Makino–san!"

"Oh, we look fabulous!" Nami squealed, Makino chuckled "Thank you Makino–san!"

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