Club and Bikes

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No I dont mean a place where you get drunk, have ... you know, or hit a wall because of the neon lights and dark room. I mean the organization or group that you are FORCED to join -- school rules.

See I am supposed to be graduating high school; yay for only having 4 years in highschool. Buuuut. Haha butt. They decided to apply the K-12 program so it means 6 years grade school and 4 years junior high and 2 years senior high. But in my case its 3 years junior high and 3 years senior high. Unfortunately its my first year at senior high and I need to join a club "Hairanakereba narimasen." Which means you NEED to join a club. Since I need sports in my life (I swear my black hole stopped working and I have belly fat. Is this what happens when you reach puberty?) I decided to join badminton club. Big mistake.

See, Japanese people take sports and PE seriously. They arent laid back unlike people in Philippines who only practice maybe 3-4 times a week and the people who have the previlage to do that are members of the varsity. So naïve little me decided to join,good thing my friend also join. We just forgot one teeny tiny detail.

They practice till 7 pm. Filipinos have this 6-7 pm body alarm which means go home or face the wrath of mom and be grounded ( or it maybe just my parents). And the best part is that I ride a bike on my way to school, fantastic. I dont mean motorcycles (they call it bikes here in japan or something close to it) I mean contraptions that needed physical novements to move. Its a 45 minute travel using my bike on the way to school since there's this 300 or so meter slope going down. But how about going home? The 300 or so meter slope turned out to be hell for me since I dont like physical activities that much.

Now back to the main topic. The club... isnt the best place to find a lover so the bar us where I go.. oooh~~. The first week was hell since we spend 2 hours practicing the warm up routine... weird but it turned out great. Although my legs did turned to jelly the first three days, it helped me build a little endurance and stamina. Then the third week started... we practice 3 hours a day since then because its actually the normal time, they just decided to cut us some slack 2 weeks before because we were new. So practicing for 3 hours straight is frustrating, tiring and fun. Hopefully I'll learn something.

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