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I have been in my dorm all day eating up everything. It's now 6 in the afternoon and I still haven't heard from Monte. I mean I know I told the girl to tell him I didn't ever want to see him again but you would at least think he would try and call to at least apologize. Im just gonna go to Renee house to talk and get my mind off Monte. I just can't believe he would do me like this.

"Wassup boo" Renee said as I walked in seeing all of my friends. "So y'all having a get together and didn't invite me" I said frowning. "Girl we all just got here, we came from the gym but we figured you was with yo man so we didn't ask" Stacey said. "I don't have a man" I said very low so they can barely hear. "Girl what? What happened" Stacey and the girls asked. Stacey can try to fool me act like she care but we all know she have a crush on Tae. She always wanted him, I know she talk about me behind my back. "Girl, he cheated with some girl named Angie who claims they been together for 2 years now". "Oh hell no, do we gotta do a pop up to his dorm? Cause you know I'm ready" Renee said, I laughed. "Beat a bitch up YUP!" I laughed at Renee and Maya. "Speaking of mans, idk what's up with me and Dwight" Melanie spoke. I never liked Dwight. I see how he treats Mel and it's not right. I think she belongs with Travis. Im not saying this because I knew Travis since High school but only because we all can tell he is what she needs. Someone who truly cares about her. "You should be with Trav" I said. "Ok enough about boys y'all wanna go to the party tonight? It start at 8" Renee asked. Renee love to party. Marcus don't play tho so idk why she loves to go out knowing he gonna argue with her about. They have a weird type of love. Renee likes to push Marcus buttons just so he can put her in check. "Yeah we finna be lit, You might even see Monte there and give him a piece of your mind" Stacey said smirking. "Or you can just show him what he missing out on" Maya said Hi-fiving Stacey.

After we talked everyone went back to their dorms to get dressed. When I walked inside dorm I seen Monte sitting on the couch looking like stupid as hell. I just walked past him into my room like I didn't even see him there. I grabbed my outfit that I was gonna wear to the party and laid everything out on the bed so when I get out the shower I can just get dressed and be gone. My plan was to still ignore Monte until he decided to leave. And Ima take the key I made back from him because I don't want him here at all.

After I got out the shower I seen Tae was still here. "Can you get out, I need to get dressed" I said irritated. "Let me talk to you for a minute" he said. What could he possibly have to say. "What Tae" I said low. "Okay I'm finna talk but you can't say nun until I finish" he said. Oh my god he so irritating. "Fine but afterwards you have to leave and I don't want to hear from you ever again afterwards" I said crossing my arms. "Deal" he started talking. "Okay, I just wanna say I really love you and I care about you. I wouldn't go out and cheat on you. Angie ain't shit to me. All we did was chill and that's it. Idk why you let her get to your head. She not even my friend. She ain't nun for you to get jealous or worry about. I want you and only you. I already let her know wassup and she won't pull nothing else like that ever again. I won't let nobody disrespect you and get away with it. You my baby and I got you. The only reason I didn't come over or call asap is because I knew you was mad and I wanted to give you time to yourself to calm down. I know you was all worked up over nothing. I don't talk to her at all. I don't have her number and I don't give a fuck about her truthfully. All I want is you boo that's it. So chill out, I didn't cheat or do whatever it is she said I did. I wouldn't hurt you Christi" he said Sincerely. He seemed so calm like he wasn't worried about anything so I believe him. Idk what I was thinking. I was overreacting. "Promise you won't EVER cheat on me or hurt me Tae" I said. "I promise baby" he said looking in my eyes as he bent down to give me a kiss.  I felt better now. Much much better. "Where you headed" he asked me. "Well I was gonna go to a party to have fun and get my mind off you" he laughed. "Oh really, who you was going with" he asked. "Renee, Maya, Stacey and Melanie" I said. "Well tell them you not going no more" he said hugging me from behind. "Nooo babe, I already said yes". He groaned "Just tell Stacey you can't go anymore because I won't let you, you know she gone be fine with it, you know she like me anyway" he laughed. He is a joke. I called Stacey and told her to tell the girls I'm not going anymore. They didn't care anyway they was gonna have fun without me. "Let's just chill, order some pizza and watch some movies" I nodded in agreement.

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