Aralynn's POV-
I keep tossing and turning in my bed as I try to go back to sleep but I can't with Ember shouting every 5 minutes.
"Do you not have an off switch?!" I yell as I walk towards the doorway.
More shouts.
"Or do I need to make one?!"
I throw myself back onto the bed and groan into the pillow then proceeded to mumble, "Thank the gods and goddesses of this wretched place for this peaceful silence."
More shouts.
"Oh my- mother loving- Ugh! Can you not just shut up for once in your pathetic life?!" I shout at Ember. Getting off the bed, I head to where I keep the nummy food.
I have to walk pass a caged Rafi and Ember in order to get to my destination as I walk pass them I notice Kade fast alseep on the couch. I let him freely roam around the place because he learned his lesson.
Once I'm in the kitchen, I grab what I need including the leftover dinner from yesterday that I put in containers, a jar of Nutella from the cupboard, and some plastic silverware. Heading back to the living room, I toss two of the containers and some silverware into the cage then set the rest onto the table next to Kade for when he wakes up.
"Why is she doing this?" I hear Rafi whisper and Ember whispers back, "I don't know but she's still my best friend."
I chortle in amusement and turn to face Ember, "Best friend?" I stare at her and scoff, "You have to joking. That is the most stupidest yet most hilarious thing I have heard so far while down here."
No one said anything and I see that Kade is awake. "Us," I point my finger between me and Ember, "that's not a thing. No where in Earth, or anywhere for that matter, is us any type of thing. It will never end up being a thing. Not even close to best friends. Only enemies. You, literally, do not even know a fraction of a percent of anything about me." I pause and giggle at the startled faces I'm seeing from Rafi and Ember.
I lick my bottom lip and start again, "If we are best friends than you would know why I need this spell.
"You would know why I turned evil. You would know why I hate my parents. You would know why I feel alone even when I was inside of Abigail. You wo-"
"I don't know why, Aralynn."
"If- If you were my best friend," I say slowly. "You would know why I hate Abigail. Ya I loved her as a person but not as a sister."
I hear a voice behind me ask, "Who's Abigail?"
"Well, Kade, Abigail is someone you know. This also goes for Ember and maybe even Rafi. Abigail, or as what you call her Light, is my younger sister. As you probably know, she was struck by lightning and gained her powers, blah blah blah. That's the day she almost died and I was put inside of her so she could stay alive."
"I'm so sorry," Ember says.
"Don't be sorry, I'm not in need of your pity I'm not that pathetic. Anyways, that's not even the worst part. I was forgotten. Oh, how amazing it is to be struck by lightning and survive plus gain powers. While I was inside of Abigail, I knew what she did, I was a good influence on her at the beginning then I realized everyone forgot about me. Abigail didn't even remember me, her big sister, I just became this voice in her head. Once I knew that, I became the bad influence because why should I tell her good things when she was the reason I was forgotten. The people I came to ever know or love forgot about me." I felt something wet on my cheeks and wiped away the tears with the leave of my shirt.
"I'm so sorry," I hear Ember say like it's the only words she knows.
This child is frustrating, "Stop saying sorry! I said I didn't need your pathetic pity!"
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I continued, "No one remembered me. No one remembered the daughter that got experimented on since age 5 to age 13 when I was transferred into Abigail's body. Yes, I was experimented on. My own father chose to do that. That I would be the subject so they can figure out know to give someone powers. My mother did nothing about it. She didn't say one word.
"They never cared about me that's why sweet, innocent Abigail had the best life. She was the favorite, the best daughter they could ever ask for. But know thanks to my father's experiments on me I can do a lot. I have telekinesis, elementalist, fulgurkinesis, time manipulation, x-ray vision and super strength. And to think that he told me this will be for the greater good of our world. If only he where here with us so he could see what he has created," I paused. "Well that's enough for story time today. Now eat your food and leave me alone. Be ready to leave tomorrow because we are going on a trip."
I sit on the couch next to Kade, turn on the TV and start eating the Nutella spoonful by spoonful.
At the end of the movie that was playing, the words of what my father told me when I was younger play in my head.Why can't you be like your sister?
No wonder why no one loves you.
Child, what did you do!? This is why I don't love you!
Aralynn, people will finally love you if you let me do these experiments.
Abigail is better than you and she's the youngest. I doubt she even loves you.
Everytime I did something he didn't like, he would yell at me. He yelled at me everytime I said I didn't want to do the experiments anymore.
Still, he yelled at me, a child. He yelled at a child that didn't know anything but hatred. A child who thought no one would ever love her.
I would tell him Mother says she loves me and he would reply, Mother tells you lies because no one loves you. No one will ever love someone like you. You'd be better off dead, it would do everyone a favor. That they wouldn't have to pretend to love me, or even like me.
His words keep repeating like a broken record that played the same part of the same song over and over and over.
It continues until I'm finally able to fall asleep and escape into a dreamless sleep.
It's better than the usual nightmares.
I jolt awake by the rattling of the cage's bars and see Ember pounding on the bars. "What do you want?!" I yell at her and she stops."I have to go to the bathroom."
"Good for you," I mumbled tiredly.
More rattling.
"Oh my lord child are you that stupid?!" I yell in actual shock. "If you look in the corner there is a door and you know what it's for... the bathroom." I hear her let out a soft oh as I get up to throw away the empty Nutella jar and toss the dirty containers and plastic silverware into the sink.
Heading back to the kitchen I see Kade asleep at the end of the couch, I decide to take him to my room so he can sleep on the spare bed I have in the corner. Laying on my own bed I try to go back to sleep but I can't.
All I'm thinking is why Kade did what he did. He was the first person that I actually let get so close to me. He was the first person that I actually loved. There has to be a reason why he was with her.
Instead of trying to sleep I end up in the library, a room that I recently added to the underground house, and try to find an explanation for why this happened.
There is a reason for why he did this right?
Or did he just never love me?
Was it all a lie?
I shake my head as if to get rid of those thoughts. There is a reason for this. There has to be a reason. I know there has to be one.
I won't stop looking until I find one. I'm not going to give up on Kade. I know the Kade I fell for is still there.
I just have to find him.
And I don't care how long it takes.

Game Of Lightning
FantasyDO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE ABILITIES WE ARE BORN WITH (:)(:)(:) Aralynn and Kade are back and eviler than ever. What happens when they want a secret spell that no one has seen in years? Its been a few months since the heroes returned to th...