Chapter Twelve

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Ember's POV-

I wake up suddenly to the sound of a beep. I check my watch aka the hologram thing (which I'm now calling the Future FaceTimer) and see that someone is trying to call me. I click the button and Ari appears.

"Hey!" I say happily. "How you doing?"

"Not so good," she says seriously. "Aralynn stopped by."

"What?" I ask, confused. "Is she still there? Does that mean we can go back?"

"She left after talking with us," she says and looks over. She nods quickly and says, "She wants Aaron and me to find that spell. I have no idea where we can find it. And, there's something else."

"What is it?" I ask, concerned.

"Uh, you're mother is poisoned," Ari says quickly. "If we find the spell, she will be healed."

"What?" I ask. "What if you don't find the spell in time?"

"She will . . . die," Ari says, swallowing. "We have five days to find the spell."

"Only five days?" I almost shriek, but control my volume.

Jade steps next to Ari. "Ember, it's going to be okay," she says. "I know the library like the back of my hand. I'm sure I'll find it."

"Tell me when you find it," I say. "Please. And if you don't, tell me as well. I want to know if Mom died."

"Okay," they both say. "I'll find her and Kade and make them pay."

"Ember!" I hear Rafi yell.

"I gotta go," I tell them.

"Okay. Love you Em," Jade says.

"Love you too."

We both shut off the Future FaceTimer and I look out the door to where I heard Rafi's voice. I get up and walk to the blue room. He isn't in there so I go to the deck and I see the back of his black head. "What are you looking at?" I ask him.

"That," he says, pointing to the sky. I look up to see white dragon flying through the sky.

"What in the world?" I mutter. "I didn't know Didian had dragons."

"That's the problem," Rafi says, turning to face me. "They died off thousands of years ago."

"Really?" I ask. "Are we hallucinating or what?"

"Well if we both can see it, I don't think we're hallucinating," he says.

"I think I stashed some books from Mom's library in my backpack so let me go investigate," I say and run back down to my room. I pull out all the books and can't find the one I'm looking for. I must not have brought Magical Properties. I feel like I should remember something from it, some sort of property that has to do with dragons, but I can't.

I go back to Rafi and he says, "You find anything?"

I shake my head. I look up again and see that the dragon was gone. "Where'd it go?"

"Away." Rafi also looks up at the sky, squinting. "Oh well."

"I have to tell you something," I say, suddenly remembering the conversation I had with Ari and Jade. "Aralynn paid Ari and Mom a visit and poisoned Mom."

"What?" Rafi asks. "Why would she do that?"

"Because she wants this one spell to split her . . . I don't know, soul so Light and her can be split from each other," I explain. "Mom has five days and if Ari and Aaron don't find it by then, she's dead."

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