Pissing Everyone off

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Alexis’s point of view- 

When we got to class everyone was staring but I didn’t care I was with a cool guy who wasn’t self-obsessed or a prick. He was nice and considerate of other people’s feelings. “Come sit next to me Jinxx and Ashley.” He said. We walked towards a table at the back of the classroom. Ashley and Jinxx smiled at me. I sat down. I could hear girls whispering. "That girl is such a freak look at her hair, look at her clothes." I looked them both in the eye and said.  "I guess people like you dont understand Indviduality and Originality since Your so fake you make barbie look real." Andy Ashley and Jinxx gawped at me. I smiled. "Shut up you stupid slut." said blonde bimbo 1. I decided to fight back.  "Bitch please your fanny has been used more times than google." I retorted. She went bright red and kept silent as I could hear Andy , Jinxx and Ashley howling with laughter.  I turned back round. "You shouldnt of  done that." Said Andy. "Why"" I said "She deserved it." "Thats Lana Richards the most popular girl in school." Said Andy shaking his head. "Andy... Trust me you've got to stand up to people like that."I said. "Your going to make a lot of enemies for doing that."Andy said concerned. "It worked back home and gained me respect for not letting people put me down for being myself." I said.   Andy looked at me sadly. "Andy dont worry about me... I know what  I'm doing." I said taking his hand in mine.  "I trust you but I dont want them to hurt you or treat you badly." Said Andy.  He was being so sweet I wanted to kiss him. "Andy I'm just standing up for what I believe in, Thats the way I am." I said. "Do you understand?" "I understand just be careful." He said. Then the teacher came in and the lesson began. We were to write a song that described how we felt.  I wrote this:

My Knife

Blood Dripping on the floor

Parents banging on the my bedroom door

I'm slipping away

I'm escaping from reality

My head is pounding like a drum

My parents will kill me when they see what I 've done

My life is my knife

The blood is my high

I couldnt Care less if I live or die

The more blood I drain

The less I feel pain

and then I feel at peace

I hide my wrists from sight

If  anyone saw they'd start a Commotion

I dont want Your attention

I dont want Your pity

I just wanna bleed


I play my faveriote song

What could possibly go wrong

I grab my Knife

I write a note

And I end my miserable Life

Chorus X2

Andy looked at what I was writing. "Wow Thats really good." he said. "Can I show it to Ashley and Jinxx?" "sure." I said. "Hey Jinxx, Ashley  check out what lexi wrote." Said andy. "Wow lexi your amazing!" Said Jinxx and Ashley in unison. "Thanks guys I used to sing and write song  for my band back home." I said  "Well we all are in a band." Said ashley. "whats it called?" I asked.  "Black Veil Brides." Said andy  "I think I've seen a video of yours before did you do chance and andy?" I asked. "yes I did." said Andy. "OMFG I LOVE THE VIDEOS!" I almost screamed. "Omg Fan girl moment much." Said Jinxx  "Sorry... "  sad embarrassed. The bell rang.  "Oh Shit I've got art next!" I said packing up my bag in a hurry. "Calm down I'll show where your class is since we're in the same class." Said Andy. "Come on." I grabbed my bag and followed him. I stuck oup the middle fiinger at Lana Richards and went out the door. First day and I had already won a battle but I hadnt Won the war ... YET.

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