3. Apologies

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School that day had been terrible. After you and Huni had walked away he apologised hoping to make you feel better. Then he pointed your glasses. "(y/n)-chan why aren't you wearing your contact lenses?", he asked. You shrugged, you had never really know why you had never permanently changed to contact lenses. The showed off your large (e/c) eyes. One of your best features according to Huni. You had a great figure because of your martial arts and trained in your dojo every night before bed. When the bell had gone you went to you class, the red haired girl was in that class and sat behind you, throwing things at the back of your head. Her and her friends laughed as I sat hunched over my desk trying to complete my work. Couldn't they just understand, I didn't anything to do with this. I asked her to stop many times using a calm relaxed voice, but she would always imitate me and turn to her friends, cracking up with laughter. I sighed and just took the abuse. Everyone around me saw my pain but they just sat back and watched. The identical boys and the feminine boy were in most of my classes and watched too. The feminine boy kept looking back at me, a look of worry on his face, but the identical boys sat unfazed.

By the end of the day I was exhausted and walked slowly to the cafe. After changing out of my long ugly dress I put on a short black skirt a a blue and black flannel shirt and black converese. I put in my contact lenses and tied up half of my hair (half up half down). After an hour and a half of working a familiar group entered the cafe all walking behind Huni. A large smile across his face and Usu-chan in his arms, he strut up to the counter and smiled at you. "Wow (y/n)-chan you look so cute", he said. You smiled down at him then looked up at the others who's mouths hung open. They stared at you, with out your glasses you looked a lot different. Huni closed their mouths and introduced them. "These two are Hikaru and Kaouru Hitachiin", pointing at the identical boys,"This is Kyoya Ootori", the boy with glasses,"Takashi Morinozuka", the tall boy with short black hair," Tamaki Suoh", the one with wavy blonde hair,"And Haruhi Fujioka". His voice was excited, you smiled back at them all. Before taking their order.

They ordered and sat down at a large table in the corning. All giggling and laughing. You brought out all of their drinks, 2 coffees, 3 hot chocolates, 2 teas and 3 entire cakes. 2 for Huni and the last was for the rest to share. You dipped back into the kitchen and started baking more cakes. You took one out of the oven and left it on the bench then brought 2 more out of the fridge and began decorating them. One with cream cheese icing and strawberries and another with chocolate icing and covered in chocolate roses. The group of boys starred at you as you placed the cakes into the viewing cabinet with curious looks on their faces. Then one spoke, it was Tamaki. "Hey (y/n) how did you get so good at baking, this cake is delicious", he said with cake crumbs on his face. You smiled and told them about your Grandmothers chef and your cooking lessons, then about your families martial arts. One of the twins starred at you. "If you can do martial arts then why do you let those girls pick on you?", he asked. Your expression changed, Kyoya looked over at the twin and smiled. "(y/n) can't get into another fight or she will be expelled", he said, still scribbling into his note book. You had been in 3 fights before, but they weren't really fights they were more of beatings. One when you were five, a girl put gum in your hair and you kicked her in the side of the head. Another when someone started bullying you and you broke their leg. The other was at your last school, you had been kicked out for fighting, it was a couple of boys, perverts, they tried to make a move and you broke a couple ribs, an arm of each and a collar bone. Ouran academy had agreed to forget these fights but if she got in another she would be expelled. Then the Mori spoke. "You should train with us some time", he said, his face looked calm but he had chocolate in the corner of his mouth which made you giggle. You smile and nodded before turning around to bake more cakes. The twins came over and watched you from the counter. You glanced over to them, then back to baking. Then you heard whispers. "Go on Hikaru, apologise", it said. Then there was a sigh. "Ah (y/n)", it was one of the twins, Hikaru," I'm sorry for calling you a nerd earlier", he said rubbing the back of his head. You gave him a friendly smile before replying. "Hey don't worry about it, it's not the first", you said. Hikaru sighed then him and Kaoru returned to the table with the others.

It had been 20 minutes before you were acknowledged again. "(Y/n)-chan are you still coming to the host club tomorrow", asked Huni senpai. You agreed and kept making cakes then to be disturbed by another host member. It was Haruhi, the feminine looking one. He smiled at you. "Hey thanks for everything", he said before pulling you into a hug. When he had released your face was a bright shade of pink. The others watched as you nervously rubbed the back of your head. But you knew something wasn't right about Haruhi. They were with holding information.

After the hosts left you cleaned the cafe and left. At home you were greeted by a very hungry Neko, he miaowed at you, getting your attention. You bent down and pet him on the head. What a day...

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