31. Overprotective

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"It's time to get up". "No... five more minutes...". "Come on (Y/n) its my first day of school, we need to get ready". "Shi can you let me sleep?". "No". "Please". "No". He pushes me off the bed and I land on the ground with a loud thump. "Get up". "I am up". "No you're just laying on the ground". "Well I'm going to sleep here now". Shi sighs and heads the bathroom. He comes back seconds later with a glass full of water. "What are you doing?", I ask. "If you don't get up I'm going to pour this water on you", he threatens. I don't move, well that was until he tipped the contents of the glass on me. "Ahhhhhh its so cold", I scream. He smirks and helps me up. "Now get your a** in the shower". I nod and rub my arms, trying to shoo away the goosebumps.

After I had a shower and ate breakfast Shi and I got into the awaiting car. "Its nice that our grandmother is paying for your tuition too", I smile. He nods and stares out of the window. I noticed that he seemed a little bit tense. "Are you OK?", I ask. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little bit nervous". "Don't be, I'm sure you'll make some friends", I assure. He hugs me and then returns to his seat, continuing to stare out of the window.

Ten minutes later we arrive at school. His eyes widen at the large front gate and beautiful gardens surrounding the school. "Wow its beautiful". "I know right", I giggle. Suddenly I am knocked off my feet and am laying on my back with an overexcited third year sitting on my stomach. "Good morning (Y/n)-chan!", Huni giggles. "Morning". "Usu-chan missed you", he says shoving the stuffed rabbit in my face. "I missed him too", I giggle, pushing myself up. I looked up at Shi who had a disappointed look on his face. "What's wrong?", I ask. He huffs and crosses his arms. "Why are your only friends boys?", he questions. "I have friends that are girls". "Like who?". "Uh Yana and Hana". "Are they related?". "No". "Then why are their names so similar?". "I dunno, just a coincidence", I say shrugging my shoulders. He sighs and pulls me up and away from the hosts who were walking over to me.

Shi pulls me into the garden and makes sure that we are alone. "What is wrong with you?", I whisper yell. "There is nothing wrong with me? Whats wrong with you?!". I grit my teeth and grab Shi by the collar. "Stop doing this, I can take care of myself". "I'm protecting you because I don't want anyone to hurt you". "So what? You're just gonna make sure that everyone keeps their distance". "Yes". "Shi we aren't kids anymore, we can make friends and be with other people. Just because you're my brother doesn't mean that you need to be constantly stuck up my a**", I growl. He pulls away from me and straightens his shirt. "You think that you're strong enough to protect yourself but you are wrong, you are still weak". "Do you wanna say that again!?", I yells. "You are weak", he repeats. "I'm gonna kick your a**!", you yell, charging at him. Suddenly Mori and Huni stand between the two of you. "What are you doing (Y/n)-chan?", Huni asks sadly. I sigh and straighten my dress. "Sorry I... never mind". I run off leaving the others calling my name behind me.

I sit down in the garden hugging my knees, I close my eyes and rest my forehead on them. Suddenly I felt cold, I look up and see a shadow being cast over me. Yuma stands in front of me and and then sits beside me. "What's up? You look kinda sad", he says. I sigh and stare at the ground. "Do you wanna talk about it?". "Yeah, I guess". I cross my leg and face Yuma. "Since my brother has been here he has been so overprotective and its getting really annoying. He doesn't want me to hang out with boys and thinks that they are all just trying to hurt me", I whisper. Yuma pats my shoulder and gives me a sad smile. "Don't worry, he will come around". I nod and let him help me up. Just as we do so the bell rings and we head for our first class.

I sit in my usual desk next to Kaoru and ignore the glares that Shi is sending me. I mean I know that he is my brother and all but why is he in every single one of my classes. Ugh I can't escape him. Yana sits in the desk next to mine and day dreams, staring at the back of Shi's head. I smirk and playfully nudge her. She scowls at me and turns her head away, hiding her blush. I quickly finish my work and leave the classroom as soon as the bell rings.

I was sitting at my usual table with the host and turned around when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I rolled my eyes when I saw that it was Shi. "What did I tell you?". "I don't care, these are my friends and I choose to hang out with them". He grits his teeth. "You're too weak", he says quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. I stand up and face him. "If I'm so weak then why don't we fight and see who is stronger, if anything you're the weak one, I'll admit my defeat when I lose, which I won't". "Fine meet me at the park after school and we will settle this". He walks off, leaving me standing by myself. "Your not really gonna fight him, are you?", Huni asks. "I'm gonna beat his a** into the ground", I say, sitting back down. "But he's your brother". "I don't care". I stand up and walk away, right now I don't want to be with anyone. I head out to the garden and begin punching a tree, I haven't fought in a while and need to continue my training.


I stood alone in the empty park, it was just me, alone. Then I saw him, he emerged from the bushes with an emotionless face. "Are you ready to admit that you're weak?", he asks. I shake my head and smirk. "No, but you should be". He grits his teeth and gets into a fighting stance. I do the same and mentally thank myself for getting changed out of my ugly school uniform. Now I wore a black hoodie, a pair of dark blue tights and black converse. Shi charges and attempts to strike my stomach but I dodge. Now I use this time to try and land a hit on his stomach but he jumps back. I kick his leg and knock him off balance but he uses his hand to push himself back up. He sends a kick at me and it gets me in the stomach. I stumble back a bit but regain my fighting stance seconds later. He charges again, I throw a punch that gets him in the stomach. He holds his stomach and coughs up a bit of blood. "Just give up!", I yell. "No!". He swings his leg around and kick me in the side, causing me to cough up a bit of blood. My next punch goes straight at his left eye and his next one hit me in the right eye. He tries to hit me with another punch but I grab his hand and punch him in the stomach with the other. He falls to his knees and rests his forehead against my thighs. "Admit it". "Fine, I'm the weak one", he sighs.

The hosts run over. "Please don't fight!", Huni yells. Mori holds him back and they watch the scene unfold.

"You're right (Y/n), I'm weak and I always have been. I wish that I was strong enough to beat those men that day", he whispers. I place my hands on his cheek and force him to look up at me. It broke my heart when I noticed that he was crying. I knelt down and hugged him, letting my own tears fall. "You're not weak Shi, you're just an idiot", I laugh through the tears. "I'm sorry that I tried to stop you from hanging out with your friends". "No its fine, you were just trying to protect me. I'm not surprised after everything we went through". He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?", he asks. "Well ice cream sounds good right now". He smirks and picks me up bridal style. "Lets go and get ice cream!", he yells. I giggle and he runs in the direction of town with me in his arms.

"Do you think that their OK?", Kaoru asks. The others shrugged. "They don't seem to be arguing so they should be fine", Haruhi reassured. They all agreed and left the park.

When I started writing this chapter it was going to be something completely different then how it turned out. Oh well, hope you enjoyed. So proud that we reached 5k reads, proud, proud parent. I have couple of ideas fore future chapters, my mind isn't completely blank right now. Thank Jashin. If you have any suggestions just message me or leave a comment, and I'm always up for a convo cause I have nothing better to do. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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