12. An old friend

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You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face. You got up and went to feed Neko, when you heard a knock at the door. Who could it be?  It was Thursday morning. You walked up to the door, opened it and saw a tall boy with short, wavy black hair. He smiled down at you and pulled you into a tight hug. "(y/n) I haven't seen you in forever", he said. You pulled away with a confused look on your face. "Who are you?", you asked. The boy looked surprised, but eventually smiled. "It's me, Itsuki", your entire face lit up and you ran at him giving him a long warm hug. You and Itsuki had been good friends when you were younger but unfortunately he had to move away. But here he was, standing in front of you. He looked a lot different than the last time you saw him, his hair used to be long, tied back in a ponytail and he was a lot taller. "How did you know where I was?" I asked. He chuckled when he saw the curious look on my face. "Your parents told me that you moved into my town, so I decided to look for you". You smiled and invited him inside. You talked to him  while you got ready for school. But then you heard the beep of the car outside. "Hey I'm sorry I have to go to school, call me", you said as you wrote your number on a piece of paper, handing it to him. You both left the house and you locked the door behind you. Then as you got in the car you gave Itsuki one final wave before you had driven off. You felt happy around Itsuki and maybe you two could go out, but what would the host club think. You knew Kaoru had a thing for you and you knew Mori did as well, but you ignored it. I will wait for ever has the courage to admit their feelings.

In class you sat in between Haruhi and Kaoru. He kept looking at you, his cheeks were a bright red. You ignored him and began to read your book. It was ten minutes until the bell was about to go and your phone vibrated. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and you had a new message.

Itsuki: Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?

A blush spread across your face. You hadn't noticed that Haruhi was reading the text over your shoulder. She giggled, holding her hand over her mouth. "Oooo (y/n) who's Itsuki?", she asked in a taunting tone. Your face went even redder and you turned and saw Kaoru with his face flat on the desk. You laughed. "Just an old friend", you persuaded. Haruhi wouldn't have any of it and kept giggling and nudging you side. You sighed, she would never leave this alone.

After school you worked at the host club. You had told Itsuki to meet you after the host club so you could go to a cafe of something. It was ten minutes before you were about to close and a familiar face walked through the door. "Hey is (y/n) here?", he asked. You got up and walked over to him. "Hey Itsuki, just wait a couple of minutes, I have to clean up", you said smiling. He smiled back and took a seat.

Hosts POV

Haruhi went over to Itsuki and made conversation, while the others spied from the other side of the room. Huni looked confused. "Is that (y/n)'s boyfriend", he asked, innocently. The word boyfriend lit a fuse in Mori and Kaoru, their eyes filled with flames and steam blew out of their ears. The others had to hold them back, gripping firmly onto their limbs. Haruhi and Itsuki were laughing. Tamaki and Hikaru had to be held back. Ten minutes later (y/n) and Itsuki left, leaving the host club fuming. Kyoya adjusted his glasses and swallowed hard. He acted as if he didn't care but beneath his self control he was fuming. Huni was eating cake while Mori sat next to him breathing heavily. The twins lay on the ground, both depressed. "All right men, I will initiate plan infiltration", he commanded. "Yes sir", responded the twins. The others followed, Tamaki wanted to spy on (y/n) and Itsuki, making sure nothing dodgy was going on. The rushed out the door and followed.

Your POV

You and Itsuki walked all the way to the cafe where you worked and took a seat. Someone else was working at the time, so you went up and ordered the drinks. "One (favorite drink) and a flat white", you requested. The worker nodded, as you were about to give her the money Itsuki stood in front of you and handed her a 20 dollar bill. You thanked him and you both returned to your seats. You weren't going to turn down a free drink. You and Itsuki had been chatting for about fifteen minutes when you saw something out the corner of your eye. You looked out the window to see what was there, but there was nothing. You grew agitated, but it all went away when you saw a group of seven walk through the door. They looked oddly familiar and it only took a few minutes to realize who it was. It was the host club but they were all wearing fake mustaches. You hoped Itsuki hadn't noticed because it was going to be long night.

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