26. Turn it up!

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A/n:The song has no relation to the chapter but if you haven't seen it then please do, its a laugh and a half XD. The songs fine but the video is just one of the best things I've ever seen.

I was laying on my bed enjoying Neko's company when I heard a knock at the door. I knew straight away that it was Sakura and my aunt, today was Saturday. I got up and let Sakura in. "Hey (Y/n) is kitty OK?", she asked. "Yeah he is fine, go and see him". She pushed past me and ran into my room, I followed after her. I looked into my room and saw her hunched over Neko crying into his fur. "I'm sorry kitty, I left the door open", she sobbed. I came and sat next to her, running my fingers through her hair. "Hey cheer up kiddo, Neko is safe, don't blame yourself". She hugged me and cried into my shoulder, pulling away a few minutes later. "(Y/n) we should celebrate", she giggled. "Yeah sure what do you want to do?", I ask. She hesitates, resting her chin in her palm as she thinks. Her face lights up. "Lets have a party!". "OK who do you want to invite?". "Just you, me, Neko and your teddies". I nod and go into the spare room to get the basket of teddies. Sakura grabbed the basket off me and began placing teddies around the lounge and kitchen. I head to the kitchen to make some food for the party, cutting up a couple pieces of cake and making fairy bread. (A/n: Fairy bread is some good shit!). "Now we have to get changed!", she announces. "Sure what is the dress code?". "We have to dress up as princesses!". I giggle at the idea of dressing up like a princess. I head over to my wardrobe and pull two plastic tiaras from my box of costumes. "Did you bring a dress?", I ask. Sakura nods and pulls out a yellow dress, one similar to Cinderella's. You look through all of your costumes and find one similar to (Disney princess)'s. You curl and plait Sakura's hair, then do the same to your own. You both get changed and then go into the lounge together. "What's next?", you ask her. She looks around and living room and stops at the speaker. "We need music!". I giggle at her excitement and pull out my phone and connect it to the speaker, putting the music on. "Louder, turn it up!", she sings. I turn the volume up and she begins to dance. The first song was quite upbeat, Sakura was doing multiple spins and waving her hands wildly in the air. I copied her, giggling at how stupid we would've looked. The next song was quite slow so I grabbed Sakura's hands and slow danced.

With the hosts

Tamaki was really worried about (Y/n). He knew that she had hurt herself once when she was sad, what she do now that her cat was dead. She had no one, Kyoya had been trying to get hold of him for a couple of days but Tamaki was too deep in thought. "I need to check on her!", he yelled at no one. He grabbed his jacket and phone and got into an awaiting car. "Take me to the twins house, then to Kyoya's, Mori's, Huni's and Haruhi's". The driver nodded and they pulled away from the mansion.

Ten minutes later he arrived at the twins house. It didn't take much persuading to get Kaoru to come, it was the mentioning of (Y/n)'s name that got him in the car. Hikaru didn't really seem keen on it but since his brother was going he decided that he would tag along. Kyoya tried to tell Tamaki that Neko was fine but Tamaki thought he was just trying to lighten the mood. "No Kyoya we must go, I won't let my daughter get hurt and as her mother you must attend". Kyoya sighed and got into the car. Mori and Huni were already together so that was easy, they got in the car no questions asked. However Haruhi knew that Neko was fine, they all did. Tamaki just wasn't accepting it, thinking that they were lying to themselves to hide the pain. "Lets go men, we must save her!", he announced. The others sighed and went along with the idiots plan.

They finally arrived at (Y/n)'s house and walked up to the door. They all heard the music, they knocked on the door. No answer. "She must be using music to block out all thoughts and feelings!", Tamaki announced. The others just sighed, shaking their heads in shame. "We must investigate". The others followed him around the side of the house, completely against his plan. Tamaki looked in through the lounge window and then turned back to the others. "See I told you she is in pain, dancing and laughing are clear signs of trauma", he said confidently. The others peaked through the window and gawked at the scene. Teddies were spread around the room, while Sakura and (Y/n) danced in the center. Giggling and laughing, spinning around in their dresses. Tamaki was more surprised by the fact that Neko was sitting on the couch, meowing to the music. Tamaki freaked out, turning completely white. "There's a ghost in there!", he yelled. "Shut up you idiot, I've been telling you he's alive for the past 2 days", Kyoya growls. Tamaki disappears, hiding in the corner of the garden. Once again... growing mushrooms. The others stared into the room, their eyes widened when they saw a framed photo on the couch next to Neko. A boy who looked like (Y/n), her twin Shi. He was hugging (Y/n), a happy smile on her face. It was the happiest that they had ever seen her, right now dancing with Sakura she wore the same smile. Tears ran down her cheeks as she span Sakura around, Sakura looked up at her  and stopped. (Y/n) looked down at the small girl and bent down to her level. Sakura wiped the tears from (Y/n)'s cheek and hugged her. Whispering gently in her ear. "I promise I will never leave you".

Sadness! Please watch that video it is hilarious, honestly how I dance. If there is anything you want me to do for a chapter then I will do them. I think I have an idea for a continuous story, but I will do a few one offs. Please do suggest stuff. Vote and follow mw for more. Thank ya XD

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