Magic shop

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Hey guys it been awhile, I just wanted to say I updated all the chapters before this one. All I change was the spelling and some information. If you want you can read that before reading this. Okay let's get started.


Hanna pick up the sword and headed into the shop.

"What's that?" Lily said pointing at the sword.

"The boy that bump into me drop it, hopefully I can it back." Hanna replied

Blossom called Hanna over before Lily could say something. Blossom was showing Hanna some clothes with magic spells on them to protect her from harm. When Lily was walking up to them she notice a book with magic spells, But this book is no normal magic book. This book has the most powerful spell. Because it has all types of magic spell and can tell people what magic they have. And Lily is a geek when it comes to magic she know almost everything about magic. And when she saw the book she started to geek out because there is only 2 of these books. so Lily had to buy it.

Blossom saw some magic dust on the other side of the shop and left Hanna by herself. Magic dust are what fairy use to heal people and protect them. When Blossom left Hanna, Hanna felt overwhelm because she has no idea what these magic spells are or what she needed. So she left the shop. The place where they found the magic shop is kind of like path with shops on each side of it.

There was a inn to stay the night and some houses for those who live there. And at the end of this path is a forest with a barn but it seems like no one lives there anymore.

Hanna didn't know what to do, because she never been in a place like this before. But for some reason Hanna felt like going to this barn. She doesn't know why but here body move on it's own. She felt something drawing her in. The closer she gets the more she feels uneasy.

When she got to this barn she heard a growl from behind her, it came from a beasts. Beasts can look different and do different thing like fighting habits. But the most common is wolfs they are deadly but they are one of the easy to kill with experiences. And it so happens Hanna had to come across her first beasts with no experiences at all, she doesn't even know how to fight or to use magic.

Hanna stood there in fear as the wolf jump. Hanna brace herself as the wolf got closer. Hanna eyes were close the whole time. Then it was taking a long time for the wolf to get her. When she open her eye, she saw the guy that bump into her standing in front of her. The guy took the hit for Hanna, his right arm was bleeding from the bit. But the attack was reduce because he was wearing a enchanted sweater to protect him from harm.

When the wolf let go of his arm he looked back at Hanna "Can I have my sword back?" he said gently with a smile despite that his arm was bleeding. Pointing to his sword on Hanna's waist.

"Yeah..." Hanna said blushing and handing the sword to him.

The wolf jump again toward Ren this time. Ren standed there for a second and took out his sword, and dodge the attack then he swing his sword to hit the side of the wolf. The wolf got hurt from the attack but it was not giving up. And tired to bite Ren, but Ren was to fast. And hit the wolf again but this time the wolf died. When a beasts die's it disappears into black smoke. When the wolf die's and turn into smoke Ren fainted from lost of blood. Hanna ran up to Ren as he fell down. Hanna pick him up and looked around to see if anyone was around to help. It was getting dark really fast too. He was to heavy to carry anywhere. The only place to go is the abandoned barn near them. 

Hanna carry Ren all the way into the barn and went into a room with a bed in it and a fire place. The room was falling apart but it was the only one that looked the safest in the barn. Hanna started the fire. And left the room to find a first aid kit. Hanna looked in the bathroom and found one. When she went back to the room, Ren was bleeding pretty bad. So she fix his arm. The bite wasn't that bad but it was bleeding a lot. Hanna stay up all night trying to stop the bleeding. Time pass by so fast. 

By the time Hanna stop the bleeding it was almost midnioght. The moon was so bright, and Hanna was slowly drifting off to sleep on the side of the bed where Ren was sleeping.


That's all I can do today. I might do another chapter this week if I do have time. Anyway I have to get going bye.

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