Chapter 5: Bamborourgh

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It has been an hour or so since I brought Arthur to the library. He looked so in-depth in his book that I decided to leave him be. I had to talk with my sister anyways. This whole Ethan debacle was getting out of hand. She was going to kill him for God's sake! This had to stop and it had to stop now.

When I entered the hospital building, Damana was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling, but my sister was no where to be seen.

"Where's Emily?" I asked.

"In her room," Damana responded waving her hand towards the hallway. "She said she had to get something together to show all of us."

I thanked Damana as I continued to my sisters temporary quarters. I was at least polite enough to knock before I entered her room, something my sister needed to work on. She whipped her head around to peer at the door. She was sitting at her small nightstand table shuffling through papers.

"What are those?" I asked crossing my arms.

She smiled before moving out of the way to let me see. "They're the Serpents' plans for their next attack."

"Really?" I exclaimed as I came up behind her to look at these papers.

Sure enough, the papers explained almost everything about their next attack on Bamborourgh. I was confused. I don't know my geography well, but I at least knew Bamborourgh was near the ocean. 'Why would the Serpents attack there?' I thought knitting my eyebrows together.

'It's a seaport,' Emily answered my thoughts. "If they were to get ahold of it, they can easily send warships to Aswa and other countries."

"And if they were to capture the other countries," I continued the thought.

"This world is going to burn under the leadership of whoever is behind this takeover," We both finished.

"We have to get everyone together," I said, already heading for the door. "Now. Ethan and Darin should still be hanging around the house where you almost shot Ethan. I'll get Arthur from the library."

We both ran outside, ignoring Damana's calls of confusion. I went straight for the building that housed the library as Emily split from me and headed towards Ethan and Darin. It was probably a bad idea to make her go after Ethan, but at this point I couldn't think straight.

I sprinted my way up the stone stairs of the library, putting strain on my knees as I did so. Busting through the doors, Arthur was already standing at the sudden sound of the doors. I tried speaking while out of breath, but it's harder then it sounds.

Unable to speak during my panting I grabbed hold of Arthur's wrist and dragged him through the streets of the town for the second time today. He was having a much rougher time trying to keep up with me, but I kept running.

Arthur and I made it into the hospital in a short amount of time. Emily came in a few seconds later with Darin, Ethan, and the wolf trailing behind her.

"What's this about?" Ethan asked more than obviously ticked off.

"We know where the Serpents are going to strike next," Emily explained.

I could see Ethan's face pail for a split second before going back to his usual poker face. Before I could question if Ethan was okay, a slight tugging at my hand distracting my thoughts. I was still holding on to Arthur. I released his hand quickly and quietly apologized before addressing my twin.

"Em, go and get the papers you found," I commanded and she quickly ran to her room to grab the Serpent plans.

Darin was next to speak. "What papers are you talking about?"

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