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I woke up with an arm on my waist. Shawn looked peacefully when he sleeps but not for long.

"Shawn," I said, poking his cheeks multiple times. "Mom, five more minutes," he groaned. I pushed him off the bed and he fell with a thud.
"Ow, that hurt," he pouted. "That's what you get, Muffin," I said sticking my tongue out.

He rolled his eyes and walked to his house to get ready for school. I did my business in the bathroom and looked for an outfit. I decided to wear a blue sweatshirt that said New Orleans, jeans, and a black beanie. The photos were still all over the ground from last night. I decided to hang a few photos on the wall when something catches my eye. The necklace. I walked over to where Shawn left it and held it in my hand. The silver chain was cold against my warm hand.

I quickly put it on and dashed downstairs. Shawn was already there sitting in the living room. He turned around once he heard me going down the stairs.

"That took you long enough," he rolled his eyes, swinging his car keys around. "Oh be quiet and let's go," I said already leaving him.

It was quiet while we were going to school. He parked his car and we were off. He decided to go to his locker and see me at lunch. I said okay and walked to my locker getting my textbooks.

"So you and Mendes, huh?" Sarah said with a smirk on her face. "No. We're just friends, that's it," I responded.

"That's not what the necklace says," she winked. "Sarah, I can't believe you. This necklace right here," I said gesturing towards it. "Is just a necklace Shawn gave me before I left to Europe," I said. Her eyes went wide, "Wait, you were already friends with him? I'm so confused," she said. I told her the story and slowly nodded. "Now that makes sense. Anyways-" she didn't get to her finish her sentence because Caroline cut her off.

"So Shawn already replaced me with you," she sneered with distaste.

"Well I mean you did decided to join the slut club with Rebecca," I remarked, gesturing Rebecca at her side with my thumb. "You're such a bitch, Jo. I hope you know that," Caroline said.
"I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that," I snapped back. "Well that's not what Asher told me," she smiled. I tensed up.

I thought I wouldn't hear that name ever again since I came back here. Caroline knew she pushed a trigger because she laughed off walking with Rebecca.

Sarah tilt her head a little, "Who's Asher?" I shook my head, "He was my friend. There's nothing to worry about," I partly lied.

We parted our ways once the bell rang. Girls were talking about a new guy who is apparently hot while I went to sit at the back. The teacher started the lesson and it got really boring. I was about to fall asleep when the sound of the door echoed in the room.

Ms. Perkins came in with a student. I didn't really care who it was. All I cared is when I will get out of this class. "Ms. McKenny. Come here," I immediately straightened up and walked over to Ms. Perkins, embarrassed. We went out the classroom and she closed the door. "Is their a reason why you've been skipping detention?" she said. Oh shit. "Ive been busy. Sorry I won't do it again," I mumbled. "You won't do it again when you get a week of detention," she said. What?!? I just nodded and went back in class and sat down.

I was too busy thinking that the person next to me was calling me. I turned and did a double take. He smirked, "Oh well hello to you too, babe," he said babe a little too slow. I tried to find my words but I couldn't say anything. "It's okay. Don't you love it? You're boyfriend is here who will protect you," he smiled.

It's Asher. Finally finding my words, I said "Asher, what are you doing here? The last time I saw you was in Europe." He chuckled, "And now I'm here. Surprise."

I found out that his schedule was also identical to mine except history and p.e. He followed me all day. He wrapped his arm around my waist and slapped it away when we went to lunch. I thought he would leave me alone when I sat at the table where I usually sat.

"Asher, would you please go away?" I snapped. He shook his head, "No can do darling." Sarah, Shawn, and Jonah gave me puzzled looks when they saw Asher but sat down anyways.

"Jo, who's this?" Shawn said. I was about to reply when Asher cut me off. "I'm Asher, her boyfriend."

I pushed him and rolled my eyes, "He's not my boyfriend. He's my ex from Europe." It was Sarah who spoke next, "You said he was your friend."

"I lied."

Asher then looked at my chest, "So you wear that necklace now after that jerk crushed you three years ago?" Me and Shawn locked eyes. He looked even more confused than ever. "That jerk who crushed me is sitting in front of me."

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