Chapter 5: Letting Go

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I lye in the closet, hoping that this was all just a dream and that I would wake up with Matt by my side, his hot breath running down my back. I knew it wasn't a dream though, because I was in more pain than I had ever been in.

Cody had run out of the house. He didn't tell me where he was going. He left me in the closet, dying. I knew that whatever Cody did, Matt was safe. He was going to leave to Cardiff to do some more filming of Doctor Who. Cody didn't know where Cardiff was, and even if he did, it was heavily guarded with body guards all around all of the actors.

I thought about what Matt said when he came to give me my phone. I did not cheat on him, but there was no way of him knowing. I couldn't just call him up and say 'Hey! By the way, I didn't cheat on you. Life doesn't work like that.

I knew that Matt was safe, and knowing that, there was no point in holding on to life. I could just Let Go. I slowly pushed myself off of the groud, with my bleeding and probably broken arm. "AAH!" I yelled through the pain. He had beaten me really bad this time.

I would do anything to be able to tell Matt that I loved him, but I couldn't. Matt was long gone, and I could never talk to him agian without Cody somehow finding out. I was bleeding all over, every bone in my body ached, I couldn't move without feeling like I had just fallen off of a cliff over and over agian, and everybody hated me.

There was no point to life anymore.

Knowing that Matt and Luna were safe, I grabbed a glass bottle that was lying on the floor, smashed it against the wall causing it to break into tens of pieces, and picked one of the pieces up. I slowly pushed it against one of my arms, lifting it up, and repeating the process on a differant area. I felt even more pain, which I didn't think was possible at the time, but apparetly it was.

Blood was now pouring like a waterfall. I sat there in a pile of my blood, just hoping that it would do the trick. It was better to be dead than to have to live through all this guilt, fright, and pain.

My head was rested againts the wall, as I was not able to pick it up. Everything went black.



I was lying in my bed, thinking about Lila. For some reason, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. I still loved her like crazy. There was a wildefire in my heart. She was probably out partying, not even remembering me. Why didn't she love me? "You are needed on set in 10 minutes Smith." I heard Jenny, one of the workers, say. "UGH!" I groaned.

"GET UP YOU LAZY!!" I heard a scottish accent yell. "Why?!" I mumbled. "You have been lying in this bed since the moment you got here, and you have not told anyone why." Kaz said concerned. "And plus you are needed on set Doctor." she laughed.

"You can be the doctor." I said, then realizing what I had just said. "BWAHAHAHAHAH!" She blurted. "You, mister, are the doctor, I am Amy Pond." She stated which made me cry even more. "Please tell me what's the- OOHHHH!" Kaz said. "It's that girl that was in the newspaper isn't it, Lila. Gosh dang it women." She wispered that last part to herself.

"She told me she didn't love me, then broke up with me." I wimpered falling into Kaz's lap. She ran her fingers through my hair, trying to make me feel better. "I love you, but in a friendly way." Karen smiled.

"MATT, KAREN! GET OVER HERE! THIS IS INTERESTING!" Arthur yelled. We both ran over to the cafe where Arthur was, and looked up at the screen like he directed. There was a picture of Lila on the floor lying in a pile of blood. "Oh, poor girl." Karen said.

I started crying. I cried more and more every time I glanced at the picture. "Lila." I wispered, my face falling into my hands. "AAARGH!" I yelled, pushing over the table in a rampage. I stormed out of the cafe and into my trailer. Behind me I could here Karen and Arthur calling for me.

I ran into my trailer, shutting the door behind me. I walked over to the couch, and turned on the news channel on the screen

"Girl found almost dead in the closet of her house. Neighbors say that she was beat and thrown into a closet when a man pulled up to the driveway. He was explained to be tall wtih brown hair that fell over his face. The man walked into the house, and left shortly after, crying. This man was NOT the person who beat her though. A meduim sized man with blond hair was caught 50 minutes after the tall man arrived, beating the girl. There have been word that just before the blond man showed up, she cut herself, attempting to give her life. The neighbors called 911 after they saw the condition of the girl. The name given was Lila Smith.

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