Chapter 7: Hurt Hearts and Faces

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I sat by her bed, waiting to see her pretty green eyes again. They had been shut for such a long time. I got up a few times to use the restroom and go to the cafeteria, but that is about it. I was so worried for her. What will she think of me when she wakes up? Will she hate me? Will she run away agian? I couldn't wait for her to wake up!

"Mr. Smith, you are going to have to leave in 5 minutes. We have been violating the rules just letting you stay here for so long." "Ok. Can I come visit every so often?" "We will call you when or if she wakes up, but other than that, you need to stay out." I slowly got up, letting go of my tight grip from her hand. I didn't mean to hold her so tight. 

I walked out, and was suddenly welcomed by hundreds of screeming fans. "Matt Matt! Where you the reason for Lila's injury?"  "Why did you and Lila break up?" "Can you give us some information about Lila's condition?"  Why were they saying that stuff about me and Lila? Can't they just accept the truth, even though nobody really knows the truth but Lila. With the mixture of fans and paparatzi, I couldn't handle it anymore. There were so many people that I had been out for nearly 15 minutes, and had taken like 10 baby steps.

I was almost out of the big croud, when all of a sudden I heard the most horrible thing. "It's good that you two broke up. I never believed her act for one second. She is just a attention seeker just like the rest of your girls, maybe worse. No, definatly worse. She was just looking for fame, not love." Why do they have to be such... such... such bullies. I cursed under my breath and turned around to see who had said that.

I looked and saw a man with a big camera, and a flap hat. I marched over to him, grabbed his camera, and threw it on the ground. I was trying to resist the urge to punch him, them kick him, then bite him. I stood there for a second, waiting to see what he would do. I was being blinded by the constant flashes of the cameras. The camera flap hat man just stood there. I was about to turn away when I saw him clench his fist, then raise it to about my eye level. He swung his hand, and it collided with my face. I fell over on my tush, me cheek hurting. 

Moffat would kill me.

I stood up, punched him in the gut, and said, "Don't you ever say that about my Lila you little dirtbag!" I stormed off, trying not to get so many pictures taken of my face. I could feel blood trickling down my cheek. I walked away, not realizing that they would follow me. I turned my head, only to see many fans chasing me, along with the flashes of their phones and cameras. I knew that I had to run, but I didn't want to make any more movement than I alreadly was. 

I pulled up my coat collar, so that it was covering my ears, and began running. The wind from running felt cold against my face, but it also felt good and relaxing. I ran towards my car, quickly unlocking it as I ran through the parking lot. I jumped in, locked the doors, and drove away as fast as I could. 


After awhile of driving, I pulled up next to the studio parking lot, where everyone elses cars were parked. I hopped out of the car, hitting my head on the roof of the vehicle. "Ow." I mumbled. I was still angry, and my face still hurt. I locked my car doors, and started walking towards my trailer, trying not to get noticed. I failed. "MATHEW SMITH YOU COME HITHER RIGHT NOW! YOU ABOUT GOT ALL OF US FIRED!" I could tell that it was Karen, judging my the slight scottish slight british accent. 

"Oops." I wispered. I turned around, only to see Karen storming towards me with her arms flailing behind her as she walked. She was not only angry, she was outraged. As she got closer to me, she loosened up a little bit. She started to jog, then litteraly jumped on me as she reached me, pulling me into a hug. As she let go, she looked up at my face. "Your cheek, it's red and swollan, and your forehead has a bump on it. Is there something you need to tell me." I look up at my forehead, not realizing that I had left a mark. "I'm sure you will see it in the newspapers" I tensed up. "Oh, and I hit my head on the roof of my car as I was getting out." I chuckled slightly.

"I'm sorry, um..... urrr, Moffat wants to talk to you." Kaz said with a concerned look on her face. "Crap." I mumbled. "Good luck!" She screamed as she started to run away from me. "I am going to loose my job." I said, almost to the point where I was yelling. "DANG FLABBIT!"  I shouted.


I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS CRAP! I'm sorrrrryyyyyyyy!!!! I have had such a writers block, and I didn't know what to do, so I did this, please don't kill me! I tried to make it long, since you know..... It was crap...... but that didn't seem to help because now there is more crap to read. ANYWAYS! What do ya think about the story????

bye bye humans! 

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