Chapter 1

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"Miss Chiseki can you read the next paragraph to the class".

" Sorry sir but Arian has a sore throat",Yoko my best friend said to our biology teacher.

"Miss Chiseki look after your self ", Sir said and told Yoko to read on my behalf.

Hi. I'm Arian Chiseki. I am a topper in my school and love listening to music and helping anyone which gets Yoko my friend mad. I go to a mix school with vampires. I live alone and lost my parents when I was Young.

My best Friend Yoko she is a human like me but hates vampires and has a bad temper, she hates when I help the vampire students so she gets in fights with them but since I always help them they leave Yoko and tell me that she is nuts.

" Arian to earth, come back Arian earth needs you", Yoko said and got me to smile.

"His a creepy guy",Yoko said as we walked out for lunch.

" Yoko, why are you so negative towards sir Aidan, his a nice guy".

"His a nice teacher, he cares about his students", I said and sat down to open my lunch.

" okay!. Let's eat I'm hungry!.",Yoko said and looked at her lunch box.

"Wat did you bring Yoko?", I asked and took a bite of the Sweet plum pickles.

"Sandwiches!", she replied with a sigh.

" wanna eat my lunch?",I asked looking at her.

"But wat about you?", she asked looking at me.

" I'll eat your lunch",I stated giving her a shock.

"But my sandwich has jam in it and you hate jam",Yoko said looking at me.

" I'll eat it, if you want".

"No!, we'll share and eat, you can have the apples I brought today and the onigiri", Yoko said and opened her lunch box.

After lunch we had physical education and Yoko hated it. Not because we played but because Ryan was to join us. Sorry on not telling you but Ryan is my best friend in the boy zone and Yoko hates it when I go on helping him and can not be with her.

"Earth to Arian", Yoko remarked and got my attention.

" you got to avoid spacing out that much", she said and looked at someone behind me with a hard look.

"Sorry." I said and turned to find Gracia standing with Ryan.

The physical education was going great but towards the end Yoko threw a ball at Gracia and there was a war between them so I had to ask the boys to help me drag Yoko out while the other boys  dragged Gracia out.

Luckily it took only two boys to drag Gracia out but for Yoko it took us eight boys, seven were holding her while the eighth one held her mouth to stop her from swearing.

"Let go of her guys and thanks again", I said and smiled.

"Its okay Arian, you help us all the time so we're ready to help you also", one of the boys said.

Thank god that was the last class of the day and we had to go to the maid cafe for my part-time job which is just 15 minutes form school. Yoko loved that place because it was the place where Gracia never came. And this place is like my second school because mostly all the boys and girls come to drink coffee or tea with some Sweets or take sweets as takeaways.

" Arian, table number 5 needs order number 4!", Regan said and looked at me .

The day was not day but at the cafe it was a bit relaxing and a bit back breaking  because of the rush hour.

After the cafe closed at 7pm I walked home with Yoko and she always drops me till my building and then goes home.

I live in a apartment just 15minutes form the cafe. I push the key in the keyhole and turn it. Well my house is not much, as we walk in we enter the living room with a long big blue sofa and two green bean bags at each side ,the whole room is painted white so the bright blue and green look good with the black flat screen TV and if walk straight you will end up at the balcony were I have my small rose garden.

After the living room on the right is the kitchen it has a refrigerator and a oven set because of my habit of baking cookies. In the kitchen the cabinets are all packed with snacks for me and Yoko to eat on sleepover night's. After walking out of the kitchen and walking to the left side you come in front of my room.

Well, I love my room, its just a normal master bedroom. I have a huge comfortable bed with purple bedsheets and big pillows with white pillowcase. The whole room is just white with purple,pink and white butterflies and little flicking lights.

I got a big closet. I open the closet took out my pyjamas . I went to the washroom and came out after few minutes


(On the phone)


" hey, Arian its me Yoko this is my new number and can I sleep at your place tonight?".

"Yea. But wat happened?".

" I sort of beat up a dude."

"You wat!!, are you okay?".

"Yea!. You wait at home I'm coming".

(End of call)


" hey Arian, sorry for the late night crash in", Yoko said and got in.

"Its okay and can you tell me whom did you hit and why did you hit?."

"Well, I met this guy in my landlord living room and he tried to get all comfy and tried to lip to lip me so I gave him a fist to lip and the landlord got angry and started to yell making me ...".

" give him a fist to the face also, right!",I asked.

"Yes!, you just read my mind!," Yoko said and smiled.

"Yoko, you got to stop hitting every male on earth".

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