Chapter 5

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"Oh my lord!. Sorry but Arian you are to go home now and get some rest with that wound I will not let you work today", aunty Lisa said.

Well aunty Lisa is like our Mommy, me and Yoko like to be with her and she looked after us since we were kids, Reagan is her son while Mia is Reagan's girlfriend and future fiance.

" but.. But..".

"No buts, young girl, you are to go home and rest, I don't want you to be here unless and until you are alright",aunty Lisa said.

All this time while aunty Lisa was getting angry on me, Yoko and Ryan stood there giggling because they were proven right as they told me to rest. After the long scolding aunty Lisa was called over by Mia because she had a phone call.

I look at my knee and saw that the blood and still flowing from the cuts so I took out my handkerchief and wrapped it around my left knee cuts. Yoko then handed me her handkerchief and said that my right knee was also bleeding so I should wrap a handkerchief. I told Yoko that it was OK, but Yoko bended down and wrapped her handkerchief on my cuts.

I tried to get up and managed to stand up. I first tried few baby steps to see if the pain was gone but it was not a good idea cause it was very badly paining.

"Yes!, I said I'm Coming", I looked at Ryan and saw him yelling at his phone.

"Arian I'm very sorry but I need to go right now, I'll see ya later and wait here I'll call a cab for you girls to go home", Ryan said and looked at his phone ,all this time Ryan avoided eye contact with me.

After few moments of pin drop silence between us three, the cab came and again Ryan and Yoko helped me to get in the cab. As soon as Yoko sat, the cab took off and I just looked outside as my friend the angry Yoko looked outside also.

In few minutes the cab stopped and Yoko got out and helped me out of the cab.

"Come, I'll help you to your apartment",Yoko said and held my arm .

"Yoko its OK, you need to go and plus we have biology test tomorrow so go home and study".

"Arian, you know that I hate biology then why would I need to study",Yoko said and looked at me.

"Yoko, if you don't study and pass this test, Mr Aidan will get you to choose another class and not his",I said and saw her face drop.

"Arian,.. But your hurt".

"Yoko, I'll be OK so don't worry",I said and told her to go.

She just looked at me and then turned to the taxi which was waiting for the fare, she got in and the cab driver drove off , Yoko poked half her body out and waved at me as she yelled "take care Arian".

After waving to her I tried to walk to my apartment and it took me a lot of time and pain to reach the main door of our apartment building. I then dragged myself to the elevator and pressed the button which had a capital "G" meaning ground floor.

The elevator came down and it was empty, I dragged myself into the elevator and hit the 8th button which was the top floor. The door closed and the elevator started moving up, in few seconds the elevator opened and I dragged myself out and dragged my legs which felt heavy in front of my apartment.

I opened the door and limped in, I closed the door but didn't lock it and just limped to my couch, the room looked like a mess, with my undies and bras here and there and my clothes from the dry clean was also just piled up. Well I was lazy yesterday, but I have to clean it up today.

I walked to my bedroom and opened the tap to fill the tub and then I got undressed and soaked myself in the tub, as I soaked myself in the water the cuts burns as it met the water. After I had my bath I managed to go to the couch and laid down.

"A little nap of 30 minutes is not that bad and plus a 30 minutes won't infect my cuts", I thought and just closed my heavy eyes lids as darkness consumed me.


I just walked out of the school building when I saw my Arian and Yoko with Gracia and when I looked at wat Gracia and Yoko were looking at I was just pissed off. Yoko yelled at Gracia and slapped her making me know that Gracia was the one who's going to sleep for good tonight.

After all that I just controlled myself and just looked at Arian, when my phone rang " Yes!, I said I'm coming"I yelled and I had to go back home leaving Arian. I got home and found out it was just some business trouble. I got the trouble over with by killing the person and drove back to Arian's apartment.

I went in the building and used the elevator to the 8th floor and stood outside her room. I took out the duplicate key of her apartment and pushed it in the keyhole when the door opened. I was shocked to find the door open and just quickly walked in and locked the door. I turned and froze up, her apartment was bloody fu*king messy. I walked up and saw her sleeping on the couch like a cute little teddy, I traced my eyes over her body and when I looked at her knees the handkerchiefs on both knee were covered in blood.

"Gracia, you bitch, I'll kill ya with pain, you made her bleed. You made my Arian bleed".

I walked around her house and walked to the bathroom to get the first aid kit which she keeps in the third cabinet. Well I have been in her house more then fifty times. It's my tenth time in just this one week. I got the kit out the walked to my sleeping beauty.

I took out the cotton wool and dipped it in water and cleaned her cuts then I applied some ointment to keep her cut cool and bandaged it. I sat there and looked at her face as she slept in peace.

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