Chapter ten

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*Olivia's POV*

I let go of the hug and scratched the back of my head.
"You want some breakfast?"
I asked Shawn smiling.
"How about we go out for breakfast?"
"Sounds good! I'll go get ready!"
Shawn nodded his head and I ran off to my room.

I grabbed Shawn's clothes and handed them to him.
"There's a bathroom down the hall you can get ready in there!"
I said pointing down the hallway.
"Okay thanks bean!"

I have to admit I did blush a little bit, I loved when he called me bean.

I ran into my closet to pick out and outfit to wear, I decided on light washed high waisted jean shorts, a black crop-tank top, and some black vans, since I could barely move with my brace on I decided not to do anything with my hair.

I ran into my closet to pick out and outfit to wear, I decided on light washed high waisted jean shorts, a black crop-tank top, and some black vans, since I could barely move with my brace on I decided not to do anything with my hair

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After I was dressed I did a little bit of mascara and grabbed my golden bracelets.

Before I left my room, my phone buzzed.
I peered down at it, Cameron?!

Cam: hey Olivia I was wondering if you were free to hang out later, I really need to talk to you?!
Olivia: sure, what time
Cam: really?! Okay at 2pm!
Olivia: okay see you then

I figured it would be better to talk to Cameron now, since it was going to happen sooner or later.

I walked out, Shawn was already dressed and ready, he was sitting on the couch in his phone when he looked up at me.

" look great!"
He said smiling.
"Thanks Shawn! You do too!"
I smiled back at him.

We left to go to Starbucks, we were both in the mood for it.

*Time skip*

We ordered our drinks then sat down, Shawn and I both ordered the 'midnight mint mocha' frappe, we just had small talk until our drinks came.

"I know you probably don't wanna talk about it, but I really think you should talk to Johnson"
"Because I know as his friend that something wasn't right, it has to do with Madison and I know it!"
"Maybe your right.....but not right now...."
"I get it! Just know that you should"
"I'm going to talk to Cameron later"
"Really?! Good for you! I know he's been a little upset lately and needs to talk to YOU"

I pulled out my phone to talk to the group chat since I hadn't talked to them in awhile.

Olivia: hey guys!!!!!!!!
Matt: Olivia!!!!!!! Your not dead!!!!
Nash: yayyyy!!!! I missed you!😋😁
Olivia: I missed you guys too!!❣️
Johnson: Olivia? Can we talk now?......
Olivia removed Johnson from the chat
G: woah! What's going on between you two?
Shawn: Johnson cheated on the party
Hayes: WHAT?!!!!!
Aaron: guys I'm with Johnson right now, can I add him back to the chat?
Olivia: NO!! Scroll up idiot!😒
Aaron: ohhhhhhhh sorry.....
Tay: I'm sorry Olivia😔
Olivia: it's fine guys, really! I don't really want to talk about it!

*Shawn's POV*

I had to tell G about Madison, but not on the group chat, it would make Olivia upset.

Shawn: G!!! Private message now!
G: okay?.......
Shawn left the chat
G left the chat

G: dude what's wrong?
Shawn: you know how Olivia said JJ cheated on her?
G: yeah?... what about it?
Shawn: it was with Madison......
G: why the fuck?! Why would her do that to me?!
Shawn: to be honest man, I think it was Madison, because when I went up there to yell at Johnson for being an ass, Madison said she was in love with Johnson......😬
G: FUCK MAN! I'm going to find out what happened, for Olivia's and mine's sake...😠
Seen at 11:45 am

I looked up, Olivia was sitting there staring at me wife eyed.

I asked her.
"What did you tell G?"
"About Madison"
"What about Madison?..."
I forgot that she didn't know.
"Madison, G's girlfriend, was the one who Johnson was with...."
"What the hell?! That bitch!
"I'm so sorry Olivia!"
"It's fine! I just....I have to see Cameron...."

*Olivia's POV*

I stood up and walked to the door, Shawn following close behind me.

"You want me to drop you off there?"
"Yeah.....he was the only one at the party that wasn't drunk, he would know what's going on"

*Time skip*

It took us ten minutes to get to Cameron's house.
"I can pick you up later?"
"Yeah! I'll call you"
"Bye bean!"
"Bye shark!"
I waved to him as he pulled out of the driveway.

I took a deep breath then walked up to the door. I needed to talk to Cameron but I didn't want to bring up Johnson yet, I still felt heartbroken.

*knock knock*

The door swung open almost instantly.
He hugged me, but I didn't hug back.
He said pulling back.
"It's fine....I just have to ask you something..."

I walked into his house now. He closed the door and turned around to face me.

"About Johnson?...."
His name made me want to cry, but I held back the tears and sat on his couch.

" you know what happened last night...?"
He sat down next to me.
"Yeah, something wasn't right, and it defiantly wasn't just the fact that he was drunk, Madison had something to do with it....."

My eyes widened at the mention of her name.

"What happened?!"
"It's a long story, are you sure?...."
"I'm ready!........."

*Hey guys Liv here and OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I never expected my story to get this much attention, and compared to most stories it not a lot but 85 reads is HUGE for me! I really wanna thank you guys for voting commenting and reading! I wanna thank one person in particular who is giving my story the most attention!!!! RowlandGirl04 thank you sooooo much to you , and everyone!!!! But anyway, all will be explained in the next chapter!!! I know!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Jk😂 if anyone makes me a new cover that says the title and has my name on it, (you can make it something original, but related) please send it to me and I'll give you a shoutout! And leave some basic information about yourself in the comments and I'll put you in the book! And a shoutout, okay I'll shut up now because this A/N is kinda long soooo I love you guys!!! Byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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