9. Charlie 🚫

696 21 2

Gardner 🚫

Riley what's up?

What do you want Charlie?

What time should I come over on New Year's????

~ 📱 ~

"Ugh" I groan, throwing my phone onto my bed. This was ridiculous. Charlie freaking Gardner was the last person I wanted to be texting and yet, I couldn't text the one person I actually wanted to talk to because we were in a fight that I unintentionally started.

Really, this was all Maya's fault. I loved her dearly and she would always be my best friend but that didn't mean she didn't annoy me sometimes.

"Screw it" I mutter, picking up my phone once more with a renewed confidence and sending off a text to my cowboy.

~ 📱 ~

Cowboy 🐎


U wanna talk to me?

I wasn't lying yesterday
Maya took my phone and told you about Charlie


We really didn't talk last night
I wouldn't have told you about Charlie if we had

But why?
Riles were friends
I wanna help u

I don't need help Lucas but thank you


You don't believe me?

Not particularly

Big word

Youre rubbing off on me
Riles come on
Is this guy really bugging you that much???


R u lying?

Lucas why can't you just drop this??

Idk but i cant
Riley seriously if something is going on u gotta tell me
Id die if something happened to u

I promise it's not that bad
Except that he texts a lot
And doesn't take no for an answer

Riley this guy scares the hell out of me and im like a million miles away!

I'm fine
I promise

Whatever you say

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