Chapter Three

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Lin pov

I sat in the kitchen when I see Soers walk down the stairs. I smile saying "Ready to go kid?" He nodes saying "Yep, let's go." He smiles big, I grab my keys and stand up saying "What kind of books do you like reading?" We walk to the front door as he says "Anything that sound  interesting I guess." I node smiling as we open the door and walk out. I begin to lock the door when i see my neighbor walk out. "Hey Jessica!" She turn around, smiling saying "Hey Lin! Who's this?" I smile, hugging Soers by the side saying "This is Soers. Me and Vanessa adopted him yesterday." She smiles big saying "That's so cool! I'm Jessica!" Soers smiles saying "Hey, I'm Soers." We wave good bye as we walk over to the elevator.

Soers pov

We walked down the paint isle of the hardware store, Lin told me to find a colour I wanted for my room. I found a purple blue colour and picked it up. I walk over to where Lin was and say "What about this colour?" Lin smiles saying "Lets do it!" I laugh as he jumps up and walks forward. I laugh saying "How do you have such energy at 9:0" in the morning?" He shrugs saying "Don't know. Everyone says that." They begin to mix the paint as Lin says "While that mixes how about we go and get some new clothes?" I node saying "Ok, sounds good!" We walk out and next to door to Wal-Mart.

Time skip

So we have 5 t-shirts, 4 pairs of jeans, a pair of runners, a pair of hightops, a flannel and jacket. Wow, this is more than I've had in my life. We walk down a ilse when Lin says "Hey Leslie!!!" I see a dark skinned man turn around. He walks over and Lin says "Aren't you performing today?" The guy shakes his head saying "No, and who is this?" I smile and wave as Lin says "This is Soers, my new adopted son." Leslie smile big saying "Well, I work with your crazy Dad." Lin laughs like crazy saying "I'm not the crazy one, well I wrote a bunch of musicals but that's not the point!" I laugh at the last part as Leslie says "I play arron burr in Hamilton." Lin butts in saying "And he shoots me every night. No joke!" I laugh and look at him as he is crazy. Leslie laughs saying "I'll see you tomorrow Lin!" Lin waves goodbye as we continue shopping.

We put things in the car as Lin says "Well, let's go get the paint and then we will paint it. Ok?" I smile saying "Nice!" We head back over and grab the paint and head to the car.

We sit in the car as I say "What's your favorite thing to do? Except write." Lin laughs saying "Um, probably being home. That's pretty fun." I smile as Lin parks the car saying "So, have you always been at the orphanage?" I node as we grab bags saying "Yep, my entire life." Lin frowns saying "Your parents died or something?" I shrug as we get inside and to the elevator.
"More like hated me and threw me on the streets as a baby." Lin looks at me saying "Your parents abandoned you?" I node as the elevator door opens and we walk out. "They abused  means a baby then threw me out. It says in my file." Lin raises a eye brow saying "The lady in charge said you didn't have a file. Is there some thing we need to know about you?" I node, as it was huge.

We put my things on my bed as I explain. "It's this weird Emotion disorder. I don't know how to react to things. That's why I say sounds good or ok Alot." Lin nodes saying "Ok then..that's not right how your birth parents treated you." I shrug saying "I've lived with it. It's life. But I'm glad I met you." Lin smiles saying "Me too. I'm glad your now my son." I smile saying "Me too. Wait?" Lin begins to burst out laughing. I soon begin to laugh myself as we boy sit on my bed laughing so hard we are crying.

We finish our laughing fit as Lin says "How about we get painting so it's dry by tonight?" I node saying "Sounds fun!" We both stand up and get ready to paint.

Time skip

I sat down stairs on the couch with Sebastian. I wasn't allowed in my room cause Vanessa and Lin were doing something. Sebastian leans against me falling asleep as he smile at his cuteness. I look at my knees when Tobi jumps up and licks my hand. I laugh saying "Hey Tobi. What you doing boy?" Tobi circles around then plops down on my lap. I laugh as I hear footsteps come down stairs. Lin walks over saying "Oh my God this is adorable!" He pulls out his phone saying "Smile!" I smile as he takes a photo. Just then Vanessa walks down and grabs Sebastian saying "Want to see your room Soers?" I node, smiling while saying "Yes!" I head up the stairs and towards my room. I open the door and stop amazed. I hear laughs as I still stare at it.

The walls were the purple blue colour, shelves above my bed had books lined up on them, along with other things. I walk to the closest and see the clothes and shoes inside. I walk over to the desk and see art stuff and a bag with school supplies. I turn to the bed, seeing a bag on top. I jump up saying "What's this?" Lin and Vanessa walk over saying. "This is a couple gifts from us" I came and open up the bag. Inside was a...laptop!? I stare shocked saying "Seriously!?" I smile as Lin says "Your going to need it for school and for your writing." I grab the last thing a that was inside the bag. Headphones! I smile saying "Awesome! But you didn't have to." Vanessa smiles, still holding Sebastian "We wanted to Soers. Ok?" I node saying "Thanks. For every thing." Lin smiles as Vanessa stand up, walking out of my room. I look at Lin who says "You want to try school tomorrow?" I shrug saying "Sure. Sounds fun. I think..." lin laughs saying "Ok then. Well we have to leave the house by 8:00 and you need to take a shower in the morning. So set alarm on your clock." I node as Lin shuts the door leaving my room.

I see a mirror in the corner, I walk over and look inside. Seeing myself for the first time. My hair was short and black, my skin was tan with freckles along my arms and cheeks. My eyes were blue and green. Hazel? I'm going with that. I smile as I walk over to the door. I look back into my room, catching my eye on the bookshelf. I walk over and examine the books. Percy Jackson? Sounds cool. I grab the first one and walk out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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