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"Shawn stop! Put me down!" I cried out as I was basically dangling off of Shawn's shoulder.

"Are you going to say sorry?" I heard Shawn say.

"Never!" I hissed as my back hit the comforter of my bed.

Seconds later Shawn was tickling me.

"Shawn stop!" I said and he just started laughing.

"Say sorry," he said and I huffed in frustration.

"Alright fine I'm sorry!" I said as he continued to tickle me.

"For?" He questioned while raising one of his brows.

"For saying that I'm tougher than you," I said and his hands finally left my stomach.

"Thank god!" I sighed and he put his hands to my stomach again.

"Don't even think about it asshole," I hissed and he backed away.

"You know for that comment I should just tickle you to death," he chuckled and I shook my head.

"If you did I would shove a whole bowl of tomatoes down your throat," I said and this time he looked scared.

"Okay fine that's when I surrender," he laughed and I just nodded.

"Haha told you I'd win old man," I giggled and he turned his head back to me.

"You wanna start that again? And since when am I an old man? I'm like two years older than you," he questioned and I stood up from the bed.

"First, no.  And second, you technically are an old man since you're a legal adult who's hanging out with a minor," I said and he nodded.

"So you calling me a pedophile?" He questioned while taking one of my hands in his.

"You said it not me," I laughed and snatched my hand out from his, then ran out of my room.

"Oh that's it! You're gonna get it now Amanda!" He yelled and as I ran down the stairs I could hear him on my tail.

I ran into the kitchen, only to run into my mom.

"Woah, slow down what's the problem?" My mom laughed while putting the groceries on the counter.

"Well our house guest seems to think of me as his personal tickling slave," I laughed and soon Shawn's hands were around my waist.

"Well you wouldn't be if you didn't insult me all the time," he laughed while letting go of me to help my mom unpack the groceries.

"Well then act more like a man then," I teased and he just shook his head.

"Anyways, how long are you staying Shawn?" My mom asked and he just shrugged.

"I believe until tomorrow night," he said and I felt my stomach drop a bit.

Shawn's only been here since last night, but he didn't stay over.  Tonight he was though which meant I would be able to spend more time with him.  Since he's been here I've got this strange feeling around him.

It's almost as if he's growing on me a bit.  Then again, he's always been growing on me but it's like my feelings towards him were changing.  I already told him before that I just wanted to be friends, but maybe I don't want to be anymore.

In my head, I try to contemplate on whether or not he still likes me.  I mean, it's been almost a month since he wrote that song for me.  It's just been a little bit hard for me to understand my feelings towards him.

First I wanted to stay friends because I didn't really feel comfortable in the public eyes with him.

"Well I'll be back later on in the night, so no funny business," my mom said as she grabbed her bag from the counter again.

"Don't worry Ms. Harris, I'll make sure Amanda doesn't get into any trouble," Shawn smirked and I just shook my head.

"Me? What about you?" I scoffed and he just crossed his arms.

"Hush little girl," he chuckled and I just glared at him.

"Alright well have fun, bye honey see you later," my mom said and left the house.

"So what do you want to friend?" Shawn asked while leaning over the counter.

"Um well it's this thing called sleep, I'd really like to get some of that," I said and he shook his head.

"Okay so we're not doing that, how about we watch movies?"  He said and I just shrugged.

"Sure...Harry Potter marathon?" I asked he looked like a little kid on Christmas.

"You know me so well," he chuckled while grabbing my hand and bringing me upstairs again.


"Wow such a good movie," I heard Shawn say.

"Are you crying?" I giggled while moving my head off of his chest.

"They're just so good," he cried and I rolled onto the floor and started laughing.

"What's so funny little girl," he said while wiping his tears away.

"Um excuse you, but I am not the little girl since I'm not the one crying during a bunch of wizard movies," I scoffed and he just shook his head while getting up from the couch.

"Fine I'll take you up on that one, but for now, let's get some sleep."

"Finally," I cheered and ran straight to my room.

"Okay calm down," Shawn chuckled while pulling his hoodie over his head and throwing it to me.

"Read my mind little girl," I teased and going into the bathroom to change.

"Don't call me that or I'm going to take my hoodie back," I heard him say and I shook my head.

"What if I don't have a shirt underneath?" I laughed while changing into a pair of dolphin shorts as well as the hoodie.

"Even better," he laughed and I walked out of the bathroom to just glare at him.

"You're so funny," I said sarcastically and jumped into a bed.

"I know I am," he said and walked over to the bed.

All he had on was a pair of athletic shorts.  My stomach fluttered as he pulled me into his arms.

"Goodnight Shawn," I said and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Goodnight beautiful," I heard him mumble as he kissed the top of my head.

Maybe his is starting to grow on me.

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