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the moment is now. not tomorrow, or yesterday, or someday. right here. right now. this is your moment to shine.

"Welcome, one and all, to WrestleMania!"

The energy in the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas was nothing less than magical. Everything felt warm in the heat of the sun. The little things that led up to this seemed to be away from everyone's mind; now, they were all focused on this moment, their moment. It was their time to make a statement, to show the world what they can do.

Many emotions that Lucille was feeling were different that what others felt. Fueled by mostly water and half a protein bar, she was scared, nay terrified. Such a stage, in front of so many people, she was fearful of messing something up and doing the wrong thing. This was her WrestleMania debut, an event that would go down in in her history book. Everything had to be perfect.

For being in an arena packed with more than a hundred thousand people, Lucy was excited to find a relatively quiet area to think before her match. Her hair was already done, as well as her makeup. She was giving a new and and extravagant attire to complement the historic night ahead of her. All she had to do now was to stretch and wait. But waiting was what was killing her the most.

Her head leaned against the cool brick wall as she cleared her mind. As her mind wandered, it somehow came back around to her family. She thought about her parents, about how proud they would be. A huff sounded from her to keep her makeup from ruining, and she bit at the inside of her cheek. She decided that this wasn't just for her tonight, it was for them too.

Tonight, she was going to cement her name as a prominent woman, as a prominent fighter in the world of professional wrestling. For the years, the trials and tribulations, for the family she left behind. This was her moment.

"The following contest is a scheduled for one-fall, and it is for the WWE Woman's Championship!" The fans cheered at the announcement from Hall of Famer, Amy "Lita" Dumas. She stood proudly in the ring with the new belt in her arms, standing by to present it to the newly crowned champion.

Behind the curtain, Lucy was in a crouched position, her hands together in front of her, her eyes shut. She took many deep breaths to prepare her for the moment ahead of her. Friends like Allen, Rami, and Kevin gave her words of encouragement, but most of them went in one ear and out the other. Her fingers shook slightly against her nose as her music started up. Her eyes shut tighter before a stagehand called her. She let out a deep breath and opened them.

It was time to let her light shine.

"Let's go!" She yelled before rushing through the curtain.

The energy from the crowd was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. A smirk crossed her face before she slid on her knees and let out the most powerful cry she's ever had.

"Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is Mykie!"

Her heart was practically beating out of her chest as she headed to the ring. The fans roared as they took in the sight of her. Never one to shy away from standing out, Lucy found herself smirking over the sight of her attire. She gripped to both sides of her leather jacket as she continued to walk. A couple fireworks exploded above the open ceiling of the arena, causing her eyes to sparkle in admiration. She reached her hand out towards the fans that she passed before rushing up onto the ring apron. She gave a wink to those in front of her, noticing a couple familiar faces like Karina, Owen, and Elodie Steen. Elodie's smile was huge as she watched her; since becoming closer to Kevin, his youngest had seem to take a liking to the woman. She gave her a small wave before climbing the turnbuckle and taking in the crowd.

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