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I love you, and I am so sorry for making your life harder because of that.

It took a bit longer than she suspected to get her hot temper to cease, but Lucy made sure she made it up to Rami for giving him such a hard time. He easily forgave her, thankful to learn that he wasn't the reason for her heartache.

He continued to keep his promise to keep her in line and help her where he saw fit. Kevin and the Steen's stepped in too; they really became the stable system she never really had. She found herself connecting the most with Elodie, the little princess practically became a niece to her. Eli loved everything about the revolutionist, aspiring to be like her when she got older. Lucy felt somewhat selfish about it; she felt as if every daughter would want to be like their mother and she didn't want to take that away from Karina. But the woman didn't fret, she was happy to see her child look up to such a powerful role model. Lucy felt honored.

It had been a couple months since the company found itself in Canada. So when Lucy found out they would be headed back north for live shows, she couldn't be happier. Calling friends and her family alike, she hoped to see them all again.

But she could never imagine what they had in store for her.

When it came to her work, Lucille had been struggling to get her kick back, feeling degraded by the actions of Stephanie's power. She felt as if she would never be able to bring about a change in the company. She felt as if her entire being had been shifted.

Everyone around her could see the affect it had on her. She was still keeping up with her training, but she was no longer as determined as she once was. She used to be creative and innovative when it came to her matches, but now fans felt as if they saw the same action on repeat. Where was her fire? Where was her spirit? This was not the Lucille Moreau they knew.

Because it's funny, really, how easily you can lose yourself, but how difficult it is to find yourself again.

As the roster settled into the arena, a funny feeling came over the woman. Something was off, but she couldn't tell what. Maybe it was because Rami was a little too happy that day. Maybe it was because she wasn't given her usual hug from Pamela, or her usual checking up call from Allen. Something was wrong.

Before rehearsals could begin for the show that night, Lucy was surprised to see the Fischer's appear in the stands. This type of thing wasn't open to the public, so it all confused her.

"Olivia, Adam. What're you doing here?" She called to them, ducking out of the ring to meet them by the barricade. What she didn't notice was the smiles on everyone's faces around her; they all knew.

"I know we aren't supposed to be here right now, but there's something we've been meaning to tell you." Adam explained, causing the woman's eyebrows to furrow.


"All your life you've been told that no one knew anything about your birth parents. Well, that's not true. In fact, we've been in contact with her on multiple occasions. Why we never told you was on her request. We're so sorry we never told you sooner." Olivia admitted.

Lucy's eyes widened and she suddenly felt warm all over. She found it really hard to find the right words to say. There were too many questions running through her head.

"R-really? Where has she been? What's her name? What does she look like?"

"Woah, slow down there, tiger." Adam placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping to keep her in place. He seemed to look over her momentarily, his smile growing bigger,

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