thank you

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I know I may sound like a broken record at this point, but whatever - I'm gonna say it anyways.

As you may know if you've been following my account for the past month or so, I am starting college in a couple days. Now, while I'm very excited for this new chapter of my life, I'm honestly terrified. And in the mess of all of this, Wattpad has crossed my mind almost every time. Some of you may already know, or if you've seen my page, that I will be taking a break from this community while I try to navigate school.

I started publishing stories on here a little over a year ago and I haven't taken a proper break since. Despite all the studying for finals I should've been doing in high school, more often than not, I was on here. And although that sounds harmless and all, this new step of education is very important to me. I'm honored and thankful that I can attend one of my top universities, on a scholarship no less. If you don't understand what that means, I have to maintain a certain average to continue to attend the school for a price my family can muster. And that's where Wattpad is coming into play.

I can't try to hide behind a screen when I should be focusing on school, especially not with all I have riding at this point. And because I don't want to start rambling, I am just going to say goodbye, even though it sucks to leave this behind.

No need to worry, though, I will be back eventually. For the time being, you may find me working on my new collaborative account wattculture with fellow WWE fanatics, Selkea and Bloodsen. Please go show those two some love because they are very sweet girls and great writers to boot. If I'm not there, I will try to work on some things behind the scenes, including plot lines for my other stories and working on some chapters. Most likely, I will not be publishing anything new until I get a longer break where I can try to crank out chapters.

Before I say farewell, I want to thank you all. I know I say it a lot, but I truly mean it. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you guys - I wouldn't have been able to overcome my anxiety if it weren't for you guys taking a chance on me and my stories. I wouldn't have gained the amount of confidence this has given me. And I certainly wouldn't be motivated to complete any story or branch out and write about those like the ridiculously handsome nerd in a leather jacket who is also a demon, Finn Balor, and the sunshine ska-loving ginger who beats up his best friend for a living, Sami Zayn. I do this all for fun and you guys have made it fun. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you ~

So, until next time, bye. ♥


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