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I was never ready for you to leave again.

Raw was expected to be great as the roster found themselves in Miami just before they were to leave for their European tour. As Lucy waited alongside Mercedes for their match against the Ashley's, she was surprised to get a phone call. Reading the contact name, she grew worried. Sliding the icon to answer it, she raised the phone to her ear.


"Lucille..." Olivia's distressed voice filled her head, causing her heart to race. Her sniffles made it sound as if she had been crying long before she called. It all worried the woman.

"Olivia? What's wrong?" Lucy's voice sounded with concern. It caught the attention of her nearby teammate, who stood by cautiously. Lucy's heart was practically beating out of her chest, wanting her adoptive mother to be okay.

"She's dead." She managed, a small sniffle causing her words to become choppy.

"W-who?" She questioned, unsure by what she meant.


Everything stopped.

Lucy couldn't believe the words coming from the cell phone. Her head seemed to shake slightly as the words sunk in. Her mother couldn't be dead, she couldn't. She had talked to her the night before about the excitement for the upcoming taping. She had just rekindled the relationship with the woman a month prior. She couldn't be gone now, there was so much they still had to do.

"You're lying." Lucy's voice raised an octave as the emotions started to take control of her body.

Olivia's sniffling halted momentarily as if dumbfounded about the words the young woman spoke.

"You honestly think I'd lie about something like this? I know you don't want to hear it, none of us do. But she's dead, Lucille. There's nothing you can do about it."

"Stop fucking lying! She's not dead! She's fine! She's back home in Picton, getting ready to watch my match." Her emotions were starting to get the better of her, causing her voice to raise to a shout and tears to fall from the corners of her eyes. Her teeth gritted together tightly as she forcefully wiped away the evidence with the back of her hand.

"Lucy...please..." Olivia's voice became distant in the receiver as she slowly gave up on trying to reach her.

In her fit of emotion, she didn't noticed Mercedes flee the scene for help. She came to her senses though when Mick approached her, a concerned look on his face. She wasn't entirely close to the man like she was with Shane, but she appreciated having him on her side through situations like this.

"What's wrong?"

It was then that the emotions caught up to her, that the tears flooded her cheeks, that the sobbing rocked her chest, and that her body collapsed to the floor. She had just started to feel that she had gotten her life back, that she was about to have a normal life. And now, it was gone, all gone.

Her mother was dead.

Mick comforted the young woman as others started to swarm around, wondering what was going on. He did his best to ward them off, to try to give her some space, all while trying to figure out what to do about the night before them. He knew she was in no shape to compete. Quickly, he called upon Ashley to make the match a singles bout, putting the other Ashley at ringside. The women nodded and wished Lucy the best before heading towards Guerilla.

Rubbing small circles on her back, Mick helped Lucy to her feet and started to lead her towards his office, away from the chaos of the backstage life. Sobs caused her to slow down slightly and lose her balance. Mick supported her and spoke comforting words as he helped her out of harms way.

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