Chapter 1

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It was a warm and sunny day in Santa Carla. A perfect day to go outside and play in the park with the other children. In fact, from eleven year old Veronica's bedroom you could hear the joyful shrieks and giggles from them as they ran around chasing each other and enjoying life. But, little Veronica had her blinds shut tight with all of her lights turned off except for the flashlight that was illuminating the large book she had propped on her lap. 

"Oh Edward, why can't you see Bella loves Jacob and not you? Besides, you would match up much better with me." She mumbled to herself. 

She slammed the book closed, pushed up her thick framed glasses, and looked toward her door as it creaked open. Her mother's face peeked in to check on her only child.

"Honey, it's Saturday afternoon and you're in here reading in the dark. I'm all for reading books, but you've read that one at least ten times."

"I know," came Veronica's quick reply. 

Her mother held her gaze for a few seconds before looking around her daughter's room. Pasted all over her pink walls were posters of vampires. There were ones featuring the original Barnabas Collins to Count Dracula himself. She even had cut out a few Halloween costume pictures and posted them to her collage. All her mother could do was shake her head and sigh. There was no arguing with a stubborn girl that was in love with anything that had fangs. As soon as her mother left, Veronica went back into her book.

Every night Veronica had the same schedule. When nine o' clock rolled around she got into her nightgown, took her pigtails out, brushed her teeth, said good night to her mom, and then went upstairs and said goodnight to her father's picture. She had never got the chance to meet him; he had been in a motorcycle accident when her mother was only five months pregnant. One would think that Veronica would be deathly afraid of motorcycles, but that comes nowhere near to the truth. Veronica had a deep passionate love for them. She loved them almost as much as she loved her vampires.

Finishing off her nighttime ritual, she crawled into bed and said the Lord's Prayer. At the end she always snuck in a little hint to the Big Guy himself.

"And Lord, if you'd like, you don't have to I'm just saying, can you- pretty pretty please- send me a vampire on a motorcycle for my birthday? Or even Christmas would work. Or Easter. Whatever is your best holiday. Amen!" Giving off a blessed sigh she dove into her dreams of chrome, leather, and fangs.

The next day her mother barged into her room at nine a.m. "Veronica Sasha McCovern, get your butt out of bed. I just made you a play date!"

Veronica's eyes looked like dark slits as she scowled at her. "Go away. I'm too old for playdates."

"No way. I have a date today and I can't find a babysitter, so I called up Max and he said he'd be ecstatic to have you come over and play with Sam. You know Sam right? Max said he was in your class." Her mother's smile looked like it was going to split her head right in two.

"I don't know why you still go on dates, you always dump the poor guy because he's 'not like daddy'." This made her mother's smile twitch. "And yes I know Sam, I don't like him. He throws spit balls at me."

"Oh honey, it's probably just because he likes you. Boys are silly at that age. They do things like that to get your attention. Now hurry up!" She flung open the curtains and Veronica shrunk into her covers.

"I'm eleven years old, I can watch myself." Her muffled response seemed to pass by her mother as she began setting out clothes for her.

"You look so pretty in this shirt!"

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