1. Beautiful [EDITED]

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So today is the first day of the school and I was really happy to go back to school. I can get to see my friends again.
So me and my friends have decided to met each other in the convenient store.

"(You) come down to eat faster you are going to be late "

"Yes mom "

I hurried down to the kitchen and ate just a pieace of bread and 1 more bread in my hand.

"Bye mom "

"okay bye come early cause there is something I have to show you "

"Okay "

At the convenient store -

"Angelina ! Jin ah ! "

"(You)" shouted Jin and Angelina

"So move to see you all agian " said Jin

"Wow you grew taller than me and much more slimmer " said Angelina while giving me a tight hug

"I know right I trained myself"

"Let's go to school we are going to be late " saying together we ran as quick as possible


"Faster" -saying it quickly we ran to our class and we sat down quickly at out seats and waited for our teacher.

"Good morning students. "

"Good morning teacher. "

"We have a new student , come in. "

"Hello I am Sehun. Nice to meet you all. "

Your POV

Oh gosh I am not even surprise that all the girls in the class are cheering like hell even my friends. It's because we have known each other for a very long time.

"Urmm you can seat beside (you) "

Your POV



Haha yes I am going I touture her hahahahahaha

"No !!!! " Shouted the girls in the class

"Keep quite !" Shouted the teacher

"Hi (you) nice to meet you agian !"

"Shut up sehun we are not strangers oh yes then how about your career can you Handle it in the same time ?"

"Yes I can beautiful "

Your POV

Did he just call me beautiful ??

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