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I have exams next week and due to that I have to go hiatus becos I need to study and it is Already end of year exam so please don't be mad I will uplode when my school holiday is here and that will be at October okay ?


So I have heard about the news of Jessica leaving SNSD and I think that at this point of time I really don't understand SM anymore. Even when Jessica heard about it she was very shocked, her weibo she said that she still loves SONE and her fans and she officially left the group. I really think that this year is not the year for SM. So many accidents HAPPEND for example the red velvet,Kris,sulli,taeyong,baekhyun and now her. I know that Maybe there is some reason behind it. I Also heard that now Lee so man is not controlling sm(?).

About EXO I heard that they are gonna have a world tour(?) in October. I accepted that this year will be good but no. Even though I am not a fan of snsd I really feel very sad for her. How I just wish that sm could be a kinder and be more like JYP or yg. Cause this shouldn't happend at all.


So the news just said that Luhan leaving EXO is confirmed. I just want to remind that no matter what he does he will always know that we the fans will support him no matter what. Just like what happened to Kris. In our eyes it may be 10 but in our hearts it will always and forever be 12. Many of EXO-L ARE VEEYsad and will always be. I just hope that no one will eve be like this. How I just wish that EXO disband and take their own path and still be contact with others. Like this it will be less painful for them and also for us. 😞😭😰😥😢😓😪

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