25.Its okay.

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"Ya but let's talk about that later I am very sleepy"
-Morning 10am-
"🔈🔉🔊📞"-Sehuns phone rang and that caused Sehun to wake up
"come for practice"-suho hyung
"Oh ok.."
Soon after you woke up and saw that he was not at home.
Your POV
Oh where is sehun? Did he left for practice ? Urg -_- *growling sound*
Am I hungry?? Let's go find food . Let's see urmm oh Ya let's make some boiled chicken and spegetie. *1hr later* urgg so full. Let's see should I call him ?
"Hello sehun "
"Oh hi what's up ?"
"Oh why did you go ?"
"Oh I am practicing you had your breakfast ?"
"Oh ya , why are you coming back ?"
"I don't know we stull have to talk with luhan"
"Oh I see. ... "
"I will call you agian bye "
"Bye "
Your POV
Urgg so bored what should I do ?!!
*suddenly feels like vomiting**runs to the toilet* urgg I am having morning sickness agian .. Oh let me see.. My stomach is giung bigger ..well it's alredy 2mths..
-meanwhile at the practice room-
"Hyung you are serious about this ?"
"Ya I am sorry to leave you guys this is the last time that I will be able to seat with you all again "
"THAT FAST??"-everyone is the room shouted
"Ya .."
"Well we can't do anything about it ..your health is also important to us you know"
"Really suho ?"
"Ya just take care "-sehun
"Really ?"
"Ya it's okay "
If you have time please do read my new fanfic called Save me Kris :)

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