Chapter Three: I love you both, my dad's

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Merlin’s POV

“Arthur get out of bed,” I said as I went behind the screen and began to get dressed.

“Sire its best if you wake up now,” Harry said.

I laughed. That wasn't going to get him up. “Rise and Shine!” I shouted as I went over to the curtains with just my trousers on and open the curtains.

“Merlin!” Arthur shouted. The good old days, I do miss them. As I went back behind the screen I noticed Harry looking at me oddly but I decided to ignore it.

“I’m up alright,” said Arthur as I heard him stumble around and came behind the screen a little while later as I slipped on my clean trousers. Arthur pulled me into an embrace and we kissed.

“Why are we up so early? I thought we could have a lie in,” he said to me.

“Well since we haven’t got anything important to do all morning I thought we could go spend some time with Light,” I smiled to him. He looked at me and grinned.

“That sounds perfect,” he said as he pulled me into him again and kissed me on the lips. I helped Arthur get dressed while Harry made our bed.

“Harry if you can fetch Light and take him to the council chamber that would be very helpful oh and make sure they have prepared food for the three of us. Maybe if Gaius can come ask him to join us too and make sure there is enough food for all of us,” I said to him.

“Of course Merlin,” he grinned at me before he left the chamber.

“He doesn’t mind calling you by your name anymore but he still calls me sire,” said Arthur.

“You just accept it I keep reminded him to call me Merlin. It was bound to sink in at some point.” Arthur looked at me and smiled.


“I’m not sure about this,” said Arthur.

“Arthur it will be fine. No one is going to summon a dragon and take you with it again,” I laughed.

“Why do we have to fly?” asked Arthur.

“Light wants to and besides if we want to go down that waterfall which is sort of like a slope then the dragons can help us get up there instead of climbing it considering we only got till this afternoon,” I said to him. Arthur sighed before he climbed onto the great dragon.

I helped Light climb onto Kara before I got onto Aroma. We set off into the sky. Arthur looked like he already wanted to get off while Light seemed to be having a lot of fun. We soared through the sky and it may have not been that long since I had been on a dragon I couldn’t help but miss this wonderful feeling I got when  flying.

“Look up ahead,” cheered Light and Arthur and I cheered along with him. I winked at Arthur knowing he didn’t really enjoy this much but he would at least enjoy the next bit I had this feeling he would.

The dragons landed right on top of the tall hill which linked with the waterfall. “That slope is huge,” said Arthur.

“Huge means more fun don’t it dad?” Light pulled at my clothes.

“Indeed it does,” I laughed.

“Come on dad,” said Light as he ran over to Arthur and took his hand. I watched as my husband and my son ran towards the slope and i watched them both dive down it together. I looked at how much fun they were having. This is what I am talking about. I smiled before I ran over to the slope and dived down it to follow close behind them.

I slid down the water slope everything shooting past me, everything being a blare until I hit the water below. I swam to the surface to find Arthur and Light already sitting on the rock both laughing. I swam over to them and Arthur helped me out. I sat next to Light meaning he was in between me and Arthur.

Arthur put his arm around Light and I did the same before we all cuddled each other. “I’m glad we did this,” smiled Arthur.

“I love you both my dad’s” smiled Light as he enjoyed our embrace.

“We love you too,” we both said happily.


Hey guys.

I know this is a short chapter sorry :(

But i do hope you still have enjoyed reading it

I hope for the story to begin to get slightly more interesting and some drama as we all love that haha.

Thanks for reading this if u are this is a third book and the people still reading...Thank you

If you enjoy the story and think I deserve it votes would mean a lot

Any feedback would mean a lot to me too thanks :)

Merlin: Love of a servant and hate of an enemy (BoyXBoy Third book)Where stories live. Discover now