Chapter Seventeen: Forgiveness

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Merlin’s POV

Arthur looked at me. I had told him everything that had happened and I told him I really do love him with all my heart. “Arthur,” I whispered his name.

“Merlin I,” began Arthur but he didn’t finish as we heard this loud crash and screams of terror and pain nearby. Someone knocked on the door and charged into the room.

“Sire Camelot is under attack and it’s not great news. Harry your x-servant is working with Morgana,” said Gwaine.

Arthur’s face showed dismay and also concern. He looked over at me and nodded. “Maybe you were right,” said Arthur and I nodded to him.

“Get all knights to the areas that Morgana and Harry are attacking. Make sure everyone else is kept safe from harm as best as possible. Merlin I know your King too,” began Arthur.

“But sire I may not be,” I began.

“Merlin you’re King and you’re not getting out of that but I couldn’t find a servant in such short notice will you put my armour on for me?” he asked.

“It would be my honour,” I smiled to him and he grinned. I rushed to get his armour and I put it on him as quickly as possible. I handed him his sword. He put it on the table for a second and his lips contacted with mine and I kissed him back as strong and passionate as ever. We both deepened the kiss and Arthur’s hand slipped down to my ass.

“Arthur I love you with all my heart but we must protect Camelot,” I said to him.

“Indeed we do but Merlin I forgive you,” smiled Arthur before he charged out the chamber and I ran after him to keep up with him. The attack had happened in the courtyard. It took sometime but we finally got there.

“I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out the way you planned,” we heard Morgana say to Harry.

“Love sucks,” said Harry sadly.

“I know but we’ll take over Camelot and if you really want I can get Merlin to love you somehow,” cackled Morgana.

“Arthur you have to know that Harry is your half brother,” I whispered to him.

“That makes it worse he tried to steal you from me,” said Arthur angry.

“I know but don’t go too hard on him,” I said to him.

“Merlin he almost broke us up,” said Arthur.

“I know but love can do crazy things,” I winked at Arthur.

“I suppose you’re right,” beamed Arthur as he gave me a quick kiss before we charged out into the courtyard.

“I’ve had enough of your foolish ways Morgana,” said Arthur to her.

“Oh dear brother you think you are a great King but you’re not,” she sneered.

“He’ll be a better King then you will ever be a Queen!” I shouted at her.

“I’ve had enough of you standing in my way all the time Merlin! But Harry here loves you so I have to spare you,” she said through greeted teeth.

“I don’t care if he loves Merlin or not he’ll never have him. Merlin is my husband and always will be so back away now! I’ve had enough of everyone thinking they can fool me and take the people I love the most away from me. I don’t care if you’re my half sister you betrayed me and I don’t care if Harry is my half brother too. You have betrayed me too and I can never forgive either one of you!” Arthur shouted.

“I’ve had it up to here you thinking you are better than everyone else. I’ve had enough of you thinking you’ll make the better King. You may have this castle and you may have Merlin but if I can’t have him no one can!” shouted Harry.

Without any morning he chucked a spell at me and it hit me straight in the chest. I was forced backwards and I crashed straight into the wall of the castle. I moaned out in pain but I struggled to my feet but only to get hit by another spell. I barley stood a chance because Harry and Morgana continued to chuck spells at me so I had no chance of protecting myself.

I smashed against the castle wall for a sixth time my whole body giving up and I could barley breathe properly anymore. “Leave my brother alone!” shouted Helen. The last thing I saw was a massive ball of energy head towards Morgana and Harry as my eyes slid shut and I fainted but all I could think about is how Arthur had forgiven me. Forgiveness is all I wanted and now I have it.


Hey guys

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

One to chapter to go now and then its over.

I will miss this but i'm happy I have finished this now and I can try concentrate on all my other stories lol

Thanks for all the support you have given me it means so much.

Comments and votes would be epic THANKS

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