Chapter Ten: Merlin, I love you

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Merlin’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes to find Arthur next to me. He looked peaceful sleeping. I sighed as I sat up feeling terrible still but a lot better than I had the first time I had woke up. Where is Harry?

Before I thought about maybe getting out of bed to find someone to see if everything is running normally the door to my chamber creaked open to reveal Harry. He came into the room looking happy when he spotted me sitting up.

“Merlin your awake,” he smiled as he came over to the bed.

“Just about,” I half laughed half coughed.

“Don’t try to do too much yet you are still recovering and you don’t want to make it even worse,” Harry told me sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I know Harry, thanks for this though. I mean both I and Arthur are either ill or hurt and you have to deal with it all,” I said to him sadly.

“I will serve you and Arthur forever if I can,” he smiled.

“Thanks Harry,” I said as I lay back in the bed getting comfortable as I felt really rough and I hurt all over.

“I’ll fetch you something to eat Merlin and get Gaius to come and give you something to keep the pain down until it begins to heal better,” smiled Harry.

“What has to heal?” I asked him as he went to leave.

“You’re body, its bruised and you have a couple broken ribs but don’t worry the ribs are fixed but the bruising Gaius said you are going to have to wait for that to heal on its own,” said Harry before he left. I looked at Arthur and I cuddled next to him.

I wish he would wake up and start to get better. Has Gaius found anything yet to make him better? When he comes I’m going to ask him. I put my hand in Arthur’s. I’m not sure if Arthur can feel or listen or he just in a deep sleep but I just need to be close to him right now in this situation.

Gaius’s POV

“Gaius,” someone called my name. I turned around to find Harry running over to me.

“What is it Harry?” I asked him.

“Merlin is awake. I’m going to fetch him some food you said when he woke up to tell you so you can give him something to ease the pain,” said Harry to me.

“Yes I did, thank you Harry,” I smiled to him. Harry headed off and I quickly collected my last few supplies before I headed back to my chamber. I put my new supplies away before I grabbed what I needed for Merlin before I went to his chamber.

I pushed open the door into the chamber a little while later. Merlin was awake but lying next to Arthur looking sad. “Merlin,” I said as I went over to the bed.

“Gaius, how are you?” he asked me.

“I’m fine but how are you feeling?” I asked.

“I’m aching a lot and feel weak,” Merlin said clearly telling me the truth.

“I’ve got something which can help that Merlin,” I told him as I got out a bottle of liquid from my bag and I got him to take it.

“Gaius, are you any closer to getting a cure for Arthur?” Merlin asked.

“Honest truth I’m struggling but I’m a lot closer to getting it then I was before. It’s only a matter of time Merlin don’t you worry about that. You and Arthur will be back to normal very soon,” I tried to convince him.

“Ok thank you Gaius,” he smiled to me.

Helen’s POV

“Hey Harry,” smiled Emma to Harry as he walked past me and her. Harry seemed to ignore Emma and went on his way with the food in his hands.

“Did you two have a falling out?” I asked her concerned.

“Something, like that but I’ll sort it out soon,” sighed Emma.

“I’ll leave it to you but come on Percival will need your assistants and I promised I would watch him train today,” I said as we continued on our way. I headed down to the training field while Emma headed off to the armoury to help Percival with his armour.

I reached the training area and found a nice spot to sit and watch them training even if I was getting wet from the rain. I waited for a little while until the knights and Emma showed up. “Ok I know it’s wet and I know you are tired but training is a apart of being a knight so pair up and I want to see how much you have improved,” said Leon.

I watched the knight’s train and Emma helped with passing weapons out and at one stage she even joined and she didn’t do a bad job either. After a while I closed my eyes to relax a little to just forget about everything for a little while.

Merlin’s POV

Harry came back into the chamber a little later after Gaius had left with a tray of food. He sat on the bed right next to me; he is quite close putting the food between us. “I hope you enjoy it,” smiled Harry weirdly.

“Thanks,” I smiled before I began to eat slowly. The time I finished Harry moved the plate onto the table before he came back and sat on the bed even more close to me.

“Harry is something wrong?”I asked wondering why he was acting strange and being so close like this.

“Nothing is wrong, it’s perfect,” he smiled.

“What is?” I asked him.

“Being here with you, being so close to you and knowing your ok,” he said softly.

“What?” I asked confused not really listening but only to the close part.

“I have to tell you something Merlin,” Harry said.

“Go on Harry you can tell me anything,” I smiled at him.

“Merlin, I love you,” whispered Harry before he moved in and before I could do anything his lips brushed against mine...



lol i'm not sure if u was or not but yeah Harry likes Merlin oh no

What is going to happen next ?

You are gonna have to wait sorry

Thanks for reaidng tho, I hope I keep you reading and u enjoy it

Comments would be epic thank you would be nice to know ur thoughts

Merlin: Love of a servant and hate of an enemy (BoyXBoy Third book)Where stories live. Discover now