Womanizer << DeanxDaughter!Reader

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The reader gets upset with her father and something bad happens.


"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDD!" My stomach hurt to bad to move and I needed food for meh tum-tum. I just so happened to be on my period so my food cravings were amped from 500 to 500000.

I like food.

I like books.

I like stuff.

I don't like when my dad flirts right in front of me. It's gross. I mean, I want him to be happy, of course I do, but whenever he does it he completely forgets I am alive and have feelings. He treats me like crap whenever he flirts with some chick.


"I'm Hungry and my stomach huuuurrrrrtttsssss."

"We could go to a dinnnnnneeeeerrrrr"



"Cause I don't feeeeeellllll gooooooddds carrrrlllllllll."

"Awwwwwwww come on Y/N pleeeeeaaaaseeee?" I loved him to much to say no.

"Ooookaay gimmi a minute."



All I have to do is go through maybe an hour of being bitchy and Dad flirting, then I'm golden.

Woo me.

Leg on floor.

Other leg on floor. There I go.

Yea. I'm so good at this. Not.

The shower seemed nice. I placed the setting on cold to wake me up and fill me with some adrenaline for the torture yet to come.

Woo. This wasn't normal torture.

This is advanced torture. He looks at one girl and suddenly it's like he doesn't have a daughter. He eyes her up and down, winks and nods his head. Uses some nasty pick up lines and boom.

I'm sitting alone at the diner having to walk home. God I love my dad, but he really gets on my nerves sometimes.

It hurts though, being forgotten. I know he loves me, but sometimes I wonder.

"Come on slow poke!" My dads impatient voice knocked me out of my over thinking process and I finished getting ready for hell.

"Okay let's go!"

"We gonna get pie aw yeah!"

"You are your pie dad."

"Hey pie is the best thing in this world." I put on my best pouty face.

"Wadda'bout me? Wimper wimper."

"You are the second best thing in this world." He smirked telling me he was joking, but it still kinda hurt seeing as right now I cry over a droopy plant.

We hopped into the Impala and Dad blared his rock and roll. I love his taste in music, but I always had my own ideas. He was mostly appalled by my choice in music, but what you gonna do? I listen to Patd, Mcr, fob, stuff like that.

The drive was long and frustrating. The wind kept slapping against the glass, the seatbelt was rubby so I took it off and Dad yelled at me, the seat was slippy, and it was cold. We finally reached the diner though. Dear god help me.

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