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My eyes were about to close when I felt someone roughly grabbed my arms. My eyes widened as I saw two large scarred guards and tried to escape from their grip.

I pulled my arm and smacked both guards in their stomach making them release my wrist. I took the opportunity to run but it wasn't so long when I felt them grab my hair. A sharp slap was given to me before they dragged me again.

"Let go of me!" I shouted. I trashed and trashed until the guards slapped me twice but that didn't stop me. By the time we reached the tent, I was light headed from receiving countless slaps from the guards who have big scarred hands, a guard carried me as I closed my eyes, no energy left from fighting.

"The spoils of war. Tonight, I'll have her give me a bath. And then who knows? I might be the first one to have a taste on this princess" A king that looked like Menelaus said with lust in his voice as he stated at me. I almost gagged at what he said but I felt the worst headache ever that I didn't get to object.

"I have no quarrel with you, brothers. But you'll never see home again if you don't let her go." The familiar voice made me look up. I saw Achilles with his sword drawn and was looking at the guards dangerously with his jaw clenched.

The guards hesitated, their grip loosening on my arm but draw their own swords. Achilles charged making the king shout. "Guards!"

The two sentries rush into the tent, swords drawn. Achilles is surrounded and outnumbered but he raises his sword confidently.

"Stop!" I shouted when Achilles was about to attack. "Too many people have died today."

I glanced around the room. Making sure to look at every soldier present in this tent before I finally met Achilles' eyes.

"If killing is your only talent, that's your curse. Sounds heroic but I don't want anyone dying for me." I said, emphasizing every word as I turned to every guards staring at us. Achilles gave me a sharp glare making me shake my head. Everyone was quiet until the disgusting king laughed.

"Mighty Achilles, silenced by a slave girl"

I almost got Achilles' sword and charged at him but the guards held onto my arm tightly. "I am not a slave!" I shouted to defend myself.

"You are now my slave." King Agamemnon smiled at me maliciously before looking at me from up to bottom. I suddenly felt conscious with the torn armor that I was wearing.

"Before my time is done, King of Kings, I will look down on your corpse and smile." Achilles said through gritted teeth with no emotions. He turned to me and grabbed my wrist. Both guards released my arm when Achilles glared at them angrily and dragged me out of the tent.

"You alright?" Achilles asked as soon as we were both back in his tent. I didn't answer instead I sat on the place where I was sitting earlier and stared at the wall.

I miss my brothers.

I miss my Father.

I miss my cousin.

I miss my old life.

"Hey" Achilles touched my arm making me flinch.

"Let go of me. Bring me back to my family" I said, my voice was shaking in fear. I may be strong but being strong without knowing what's happening with your family just makes me weak.

"You won't be safe there" Achilles whispered and held my face. He looked at me deeply in the eyes before wiping away my tears.

"P-please" I whispered. He looked at my blue eyes before looking at my lip. He licked his lip unconsciously before looking at my eye again.

"P-please, Achilles" I bgged again as a set of fresh new tears fell from my eye. I shut my eyes as I started to sob violently.

"Shhhh. You'll be fine, princess"

Achilles pulled my head towards him and kissed my lips softly. His kisses were electrocuting and it felt bad and good at the same time.

I was kissing my enemy.

I pushed him away but he captured my hands and started to kiss me aggressively. His lips invading my lips as he pulled me closer to him. A loud groan fell from my lips as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Stop" I whispered but he didn't listen. I didn't know if I wanted to say don't stop because for the first time in my life, I wanted to be selfish. To feel the pleasure of what I should be experiencing in life or stop because I knew that if I let him continue, I'd be setting myself up for something that I would regret later. His hands went down to my thighs and hooked them in his hips before carrying me to his bed.

My mind was hazy as I stared at his stone cold eyes, I will definitely regret this after.

He carefully placed me down and started to kiss my lip then my jaw then my neck making me moan in pleasure. Everything felt right but I knew in my head that this is wrong. This is all so wrong..

I was kissing my enemy...

— I have been reading the comments in this particular chapter and I would like to extend my deepest apologies for not writing the scene where Selene and Achilles were getting intimate clearly. I am aware that I have written that part very recklessly and not the way I intended it to be. I understand that there are people reading this story and the reason why it took so long for it to be edited is because this was written 3-4 years ago and I have been busy with school that I forgot that I was editing this story.

Of course when a person says STOP, it means NO . What I was trying to show in this story is that Selene was confused about her feelings but being the strong warrior that she is, her first response was a no. A "stop" was uttered but her actions says otherwise. This part really showed that she indeed had an ongoing war inside her head. But it was a mistake where I didn't write it clearly and that I admit.

Again, I genuinely apologize. I in no shape or form try to miseducate people. I know what I wrote was wrong and misleading especially to young people. Thank you everyone for your support.

War Inside My Head // Achilles (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now