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I ran towards the stables and took my horse. I quickly jumped and the horse galloped towards the beach. The Myrmidons were looking at me with caution but I knew they knew that if they dared to touch me, it would be Achilles who will face them.

"Achilles!" I shouted as I reached his tent. I angrily went inside Achilles tent.

My blood boiled as I saw him washing his face.

"You killed my brother!" I shouted and ran towards him. I punched his bare chest while crying. At first he let me punch his chest but then after that he took my wrist in one hand and threw me to the bed.

My eyes widened as I realized what he did to me. "You're a monster!" I shouted as I moved to the edge of the tent. His eyes softened and tried to reach out to me.

"You have no mercy! You killed my brother!"

I cried and cried. My eyes were very red and swollen as I looked at him with hatred.

"I should have killed you when I got the chance!" I shouted at his face. He flinched and looked away. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to make him feel what I feel right now. I wanted him to feel the pain and sorrow. I wanted him to suffer for what he did. But you know what's funny? It was the Fates. Even if I wanted to kill him, my love for him still dominates the hatred in my heart.

"You killed a father! You killed him! You're a killer!"

"Where is he?!" I shouted. He didn't answer. "Where is my brother, Achilles!"

I stormed out of his tent as he looked away from me and went to the back of his tent. I screamed in shock as I saw my bloody brother.

"Oh, brother" I cried as I ran to him. I lifted his head and took the hem of my dress before wiping away the dirt from his face carefully.

"You didn't deserve to die like this, brother" I cried as I wiped the dry blood off his face.

I sat there with my brother's head on my lap until sunset but I didn't care. I wanted to spend the night with my brother.

"I am a very stubborn girl, aren't I?" I asked him and chuckled, tears have finally stopped falling as I looked at the bright moon shining down on us.

"You would always get mad at me for running away when were kids"

"We spent years growing up together. We learned how to fight together. We learned how to rule a country together. I was there for you when Andromache gave birth to your precious little baby. I was your counterpart and you were my counterpart. I remember every Trojan saying that we could be twins for we act alike. It feels like it was only yesterday when we learned how to use swords and now you're gone" I choked out as I softly traced his face with my finger.

"I will never forget you. I will not get tired of loving you, brother. You know what's funny? I would always tell you that you're Troy's warrior and you would always say no and then you would tell me that I'm Troy's warrior? No, brother you are Troy's warrior. You are Troy's pride. You were never scared to fight for your country and I idolize you for that."

"I love you, Hector. You may now rest" I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I leaned back at Achilles' tent as I stared at the bright moon in front of us. I wasn't crying anymore but my heart was.

"Selene?" I closed my eyes as I heard Achilles' soft voice call my name.

"Your Father's here"

My eyes widened and I quickly but carefully placed Hector's head back to the sand and ran towards his tent.

"Father?" I called. Father who was wearing a black cloak turned, his eyes widening at the sight of his daughter standing inside the tent of the man who killed his other son.

"My daughter? What are you doing here?" He asked. I bit my lip nervously and hugged him tightly.

"I wanted to see Hector" I said, my heart throbbing as he hugged me back. We walked out of the tent silently and saw a black chariot near the tent.

After a moment I turned and looked at Achilles. Nobody speaks. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"You'll be safe behind the Trojan walls" He said quietly as I stood in front of him. He reached into his tunic and pulled out the Shell Necklace that his cousin had worn.

He removed the pearl necklace that he first gave me and fastens the shell necklace to join the crescent necklace that is clasped around my neck, where the purple bruises are still visible.

"If I hurt you...it's not what I wanted." He said softly so that my Father wouldn't hear him as he traced the fading bruises on my neck.

"You gave me one night of peace in a lifetime of war." He said, his eyes watering as he gently cupped my cheek in his hands, leaning forward to kiss my forehead. I bit my lip as tears started to fall again. "I'm sorry for all the things that I said earlier"

"I still love you" I muttered and kissed his cheek, wanting to kiss him so bad. I stared at him, knowing that the next day he will be my enemy and I will be forced to fight until there's no Spartans and Myrmidons left in Troy. Finally, Achilles turns to my Father.

"Go. No one will stop you, you have my word." He said. Father gets in the chariot but I looked at him again. "You're a better king than the one who leads this army" He was choking with his words but he perfectly concealed it.

"I'm afraid that this will be the last time we see each other" I whispered.

"I will come for you and we will get married, I promise you that" Achilles said and I nodded with a sad smile on my face. I wanted to kiss him but Father was looking at us in confusion but didn't say anything.

"Come, my girl." Father said and helped me onto the chariot. The Myrmidons escorting us to safety. I held the shell necklace with one hand before turning to Achilles who was watching us leave.

My chest tightened as I fought back my tears.

"You love him, don't you, my daughter?" Father asked quietly.

"I love Hector with al-"


I bit my lip and slowly nodded before looking down. "But he killed Hector and will soon set Troy in flames. I can't do that to my people"

"You've grown to be a strong and beautiful lady and men wanted your hand for marriage but you declined. I can see that you love him. Don't worry, my child. It is forbidden but I love you and I won't risk your happiness just for our kingdom. Your happiness matters most to me"

I smiled weakly as he embraced me by side. I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched our Palace got closer and closer.

I will make you proud Hector.

War Inside My Head // Achilles (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now