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"Thank you, Achilles." I said quietly as Achilles dismounted from the horse. Achilles dropped me at the side of our gate because he can't just drop me in the main gate. They will shoot him. I stayed seated on the horse with my hands in my lap as Achilles looked at me.

"Please take care of yourself" Achilles said placing his hands on the side of my lap. I looked at him and nodded. He reached the back of his neck and removed his pearl necklace.

"I'll come back for you" He whispered in my ear as he clasped it around my neck. I closed my eyes as I inhaled his manly scent.

"I'll be waiting" I whispered back with a smile and held his cheek. He closed his eyes and held my hand that was holding his cheek.

"Goodbye, Achilles" I said and lightly pecked his soft pinkish lips.

"Goodbye, my Princess"

He slowly picked up me from the horse and set me to the ground. I did my best to walk back to our palace. I looked back and saw Achilles watching me, he nodded and I looked forward before knocking on the gate.

"Princess Selene?!" The guards said in shock. "It's me" I said with a smile as they both bowed.

"You're alive?"

"Yes and I am planning to stay that way till the war ends" I smiled. He looked at me in disbelief, it was as if he couldn't believe that I was in front of him, alive and breathing.

"Could you please escort me to the palace? I kinda twisted my ankle" I said and pointed at my swollen ankle.

"Yes of course" He said and called a guard to replace him while he escorts me to the palace, I turned to look at Achilles who had a sad smile on his face making me sigh. I wrapped my arm around the guard's neck while his arm is holding my waist tightly.

"Hey, brother!" I shouted as I saw him in our armory. He turned so fast that he knocked the shelves. "Selene?!" Hector shouted before running to me.

"Oh thank the gods!" Hector exclaimed and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged him too. "You're alive!"

"Do you want me dead?" I asked sarcastically. He let go and kissed my head multiple times. "Father would be so glad! He was devastated when he thought he lost his only daughter"

"You think you could get rid of me that easily?" I teased and chuckled. He looked at the guard beside me with his eyebrows furrowed so I looked at my leg and he did the same.

"Thank you" Hector said to the guard who nodded and bowed before leaving.

"Where have you been? We searched the whole palace but you weren't here" He said, wrapping his arm around my waist to replace the guard. I bit my lip and looked at the people who were looking at me in shock.

"Did you tell them I was dead?" I asked. Hector nodded and looked at our people who also looked at us. I could see in their eyes that they were confused but also happy that I was back.

"We found a piece of your armor with blood so we searched the whole palace. We also saw your crescent moon necklace near Apollo's temple but you were nowhere to be found and we thought you were dead" Hector said sadly. His grip tightening making me flinch.

We finally reached the palace. I smiled as I saw them sitting on the dining table while our workers placed foods in front of them.

"Anyone missed me?" I said out loud with a smirk making everyone to look at us. Father's, Briseis', Andromache's and Paris' eyes went wide and Briseis ran up to me quickly to hug me.

"Selene?!" My younger cousin gasped in shock before touching my face. "You're real" She said, amazed. I chuckled and ruffled her curly hair.

"Well, I'm here now alive" I smiled.

"My daughter!" Father said his arms open wide, his eyes were moistened with tears. I almost ran towards him but Hector held me tightly and helped me go to him.

"I would never forgive myself if those Spartans got you"

"I'm okay, Father" I said as he sniffles. I pulled from the hug and kissed his cheek. "I'm perfectly fine!"

He looked at my leg then at me again. I bit my lip and smiled awkwardly. "Well, except for that" I said as Father looked at me amused.


I looked at the side and saw Paris who is now approaching me with open arms. "I didn't believe them when they said my sister was gone. You're a very strong woman" Paris said. I smiled and kissed his cheek before hugging him.

I hugged Andromache and Helen before we took a seat at our huge dining table to have our prayer before eating. "That's a lot of food" I said after we prayed. I looked at our table with so much food than the usual.

"Actually... we have to tell you something" Hector said.

"What is it?"

"Paris is having a one on one fight with Menelaus tomorrow" Father said. I gasped and stood up causing my utensils to fall, my leg throbbed in pain but I focused on Paris.


"I challenged him, sister" Paris said making my eyes widen even more.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I asked in disbelief.

Yes, I may have trained him and he may have a bit of knowledge but no way!

"This is me proving that I can protect Helen and myself" Paris said. "People thinks I'm weak but I'm not. I am just like you and Hector. I can fight."

"No, I will not let you" I said sternly. Paris shook his head and sighed.

"I can do it!"

"Go! Kill yourself! This is suicide! Menelaus has no mercy left" I shouted in irritation.

"Selene! Paris!" Father shouted making me fall back to my seat. I huffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You let this happen, Father?" I asked disappointedly. Father sighed and looked at Paris.

"I trust the skills that you and Hector taught him" Father said.

"But we only trained him for how many months! Hector and I were trained for years! He hasn't even been on a one on one fight with me or Hector! This is his first fight and what if Menelaus kills him?!" I said, my voice slightly raising as tears clouded my vision. The room fell silent and I can feel Paris' gaze on me.

"If you will fight Menelaus, then I will fight with you"

"No!" Hector shouted quickly and stood up. "Hector" Father warned.

"You're injured, Alexandra Selene" Hector said with an angry look on his face as he raised a warning finger at me.

"You just came back. I can't let you out of my sight again." Father said. I frowned and looked at Paris who is now looking at me with pleading eyes, I sighed and looked away.

If this is the only thing that has to be done to end this war then I will let him.

War Inside My Head // Achilles (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now