Ryuji x [Sick]Reader

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Requested by GenderbentAkira

Ryuji and you were best friends in middle school but that somewhat changed in high school, sure you both talked ever so often but you weren't as close as you both once were. He had been invested in track and you were busy with your own troubles.

You were laying in bed, sick because the weather decided to turn on you and rain on your way home yesterday. Your hair was a mess, (h/l) (h/c) strands everywhere, and your (s/c) cheeks slightly flushed.

You felt like crap.

You heard the ringing of your phone and dragged yourself out to get it. Looking at the number to figure out who it was you recognized it immediately, it was Ryuji.

You answered and heard his loud voice on the other side of the call.

"Yo (f/n)! We haven't talked in a while, how you doing?"

You sighed and replied honestly, "Crap."

"What happened? You don't sound too hot..."

"As I was walking home and the weather decided that it would be a good idea to rain on me, because of that I now have a cold." You coughed a bit.

"Dude I'm on my way."

"Wait Ryuji-" He already hung up.

You laughed. Classic Ryuji, always coming to someone's aid before even coming up with a plan. Sure it was idiotic somewhat but something about it was charming to you.

You brushed one of the messy strands of (h/c) hair out of your face. You wouldn't have any idea when he arrived, after all he didn't tell you where he was. You lay back in bed playing one some of the games you had on it. And played, awaiting your friend's arrival.

An hour later you heard a loud knock on the door, one that could only belong to your friend Ryuji. You made your way to the door and opened to to see Ryuji carrying a bunch of bags from the store.

"Ryuji?" you were puzzled, why did he have all that stuff with him?

"(Y/n), I got you ramon since you're sick and all, rest up while I warm it up!"

You sat back down on the couch confused. Ryuji is doing all of this? But why? As you were pondering Ryuji put a blanket over your shoulders and procedded to pour some cold medicine.

"Ryuji?" you asked, "Why are you doing all of this for me?"

He was silent for a moment and sat next to you.

"W-Well to be honest (f/n) I don't really know myself... I just felt like I had to especially because it was you..."

Ryuji's face slightly flushed causing yours in turn to become more red as well.



"Wanna go out some time? You know, to a movie or something?"

"Hell yeah (f/n)! We'll go as soon as you get better!"

A/N: eee I'm sorry for the late update but I hope you enjoy this story!

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