The Beautiful Disaster Of Love 9: Where To Now?

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~Asiah's POV~

The women sitting at the desk desk of the police station looks tired and irritated “What can I do for you?”

“I'm here to bail someone out,” I say softly

“Asiah Wright”

“His name”

“Christopher Brown”


I hand over the money

“He'll be brought soon”

Fifteen minutes Chris is brought out his eyes are red and puffy I watch as the police officers uncuff him he walks over to me not saying one word I copy this motion by also not talking even if I did there is really nothing left to say. I stand there awkwardly I want to hug him and slap him at the same time he puts tattooed around around my small body we stay like this for a moment until someone clears their throat. The officer give him bag full his stuff; keys, phone and wallet.

We walk out of the police station and get int my car the drive is silence until we reach the door then we just sit there

“I'm sorry”

“We didn't have sex but he stayed over...I just didn't want to be alone last night,” I say staring out my window

“I know you would never cheat on me,” He says “Where do we go from here?”

“I love you and I want to be with you but I still need time”

“Can't you come home I'll sleep the guess room”

I can feel his eyes on me “I don't think that would be a good idea”

“I'm still the guy you fell in love with but I'm more flawed then ever”

I force myself to look at him “You were really lonely?”

“I'm not going to try this this I'm just tell you the truth I missed you a lot so I got drunk to block out the pain and things went down hill from there”

I turn my gaze to the window “Maybe we could see couples counselor”

“I'll do anything you want”

“Okay I'll text you with the detail”

“Okay,” He says getting out of my car “I'll be waiting”

I know he'll wait for me even if it takes forever

When he says that I know it was he'll be waiting for me

I go back to my hotel room there is a vase full of red roses on the table when I walk in there isn't a note attached so I don't know who they come from and I'm too tired to care so I crawl into bed and let sleep take a hold of me.

~Drake's POV~

“I can't believe you were fighting over some hoe,” Nicki says

“She's not a hoe she's the love of my life,” I say as we leave the police station

“Whateva she's obviously trouble

“Nicki once you meet Asiah you'll love her I promise”

“Get ya stupid ass in the car,” She says getting in her pink car

I get in the car along with her

“If she's so great then why y'all break up?”

“I cheated on her”


“I was young and stupid”

“We all make mistakes”

“And I made the biggest one of my life”

“You made her fall in love with you one I bet you can do again”

I smile “Thanks Nicki”

“No problem”

~Chris' POV~

I can hear the doorbell echo in through the empty house after spending the nail in a jail cell I don't feel like talking to anyone I just wanna stay in my bed. The doorbell stops and is replaced with knocking which I ignore it.

“Yo, Chris I know your home so just answer the damn door!” Kevin yells

I lazily get out of bed and go downstairs I open the door

“Damn nigga what happen to your face?” He asks referring to my black eye

“You don't know”

“Know what?”

“Drake and I got into a fight were both thrown in jail”

“Who bailed you out?”


“Where is she now?”

“At the hotel I guess”

“So are y'all broken up or what?”

I shrug “She needs time but I'm worried that I might lose her because of a few drunken mistakes”

“Don't sweat it man everything is going to work out”

“I hope your right Kev 'cause I need Asiah”

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