Part 5

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2 Days Later
You prepare to go to the office, throwing on a short skirt and black blazer. Your clothes are very form-fitting, showing your curves off as best as they can.

When you arrive at the office, you go to the elevator and press the button to your floor

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When you arrive at the office, you go to the elevator and press the button to your floor. The elevator dings as the doors open. You walk out and head straight to your office.
"Morning Y/N," Hans greets you.
"Oh you're here early Hans, is your car fixed?" You ask, walking towards your desk.
"Of course, thank god I didn't have to run all the way here, to much sweating," he laughs.
"But I love it when you sweat Hans, so sexy" you pout, teasing him.
"Really? But now my eyes get blessed with seeing such a great view in the morning," he looks you up to down.
You both burst into laughter.
"Y/N, we have to go to the 7th floor to greet our new boss," Hans says, walking to your desk.
"Ah, I forgot, today is the day we have to meet our new boss," you smile.

You and Hans walk to the elevator. You walk out of the tiny compartment when the doors open and reach your new boss's office.
"Hans, do you know what the new boss looks like?" you ask.
"Well, this morning our office was so noisy. All the girl employees started gossiping because there's someone handsome, I'm sure they were talking about our new boss. Apparently he's so handsome, I feel a little jealous of him, but the real fact is, I'm the sexiest guy here," Hans winked at you.
"In your dreams Hans," you laugh.

You and Hans walk into the room with the rest of your office and wait for your new boss. The girls were talking about how handsome our new boss was, but you just rolled your eyes and ignored them. You stand in the corner of the room, beside Hans, as your new boss enters the room.
"Morning everyone," he greets us.

You look shocked to see him of all people enter the room. He's the guy you saw at the cafe two days ago.
"This can't be happening... that pervert is our new boss...?" You mumble.
"My name is Jeon Jungkook, and I'm the replacement for Mr. Kim's position. I hope we can work well together," he smiles, bowing to us.

You still can't believe Jungkook is your boss now. You try to move, hiding behind Hans's body, but suddenly Jungkook's booming voice from the front startles you.
"Hey you, beautiful girl in the corner, why are you hiding? Oh, I think we've met before," he said, his once cheerful gaze now turns into a lustful glare as he stares at you.

He noticed you, and now the two of you are looking at each other. Almost instantly, your body begins to tremble under his gaze. You squeeze your cheeks, which have began to take on a slight blush.
"Okay, that's all for now, back to work," Jungkook said, taking a seat.

He was still staring at you as you exited the room. You and Hans walk back to your office and start to work.
"Y/N, do you know him?" Hans asks, crossing his arms.
"No.. well yes.. well I have met him before," you said with a fake smile.
"Okay, let's work," Hans said.

7 hours left and you finally finish your work. You put your coat on and get ready to go home.
"Hans, I'm done, I'll go home now," you said while you checked your laptop, making sure everything was done.
"Okay Y/N, take care, I still have some work to finish up," Hans said, waving his hand.
"See you tomorrow Hans," you wave back and leave the office.

You walk to the elevator and wait for the doors to open. Suddenly, the elevator doors open and you see Jungkook in the elevator. You just stare at him with widened eyes. You just stand still, the heaving of your chest is the only bit of movement on your body.

Without warning, Jungkook grabs your wrist and pulls you into the elevator. You can't hold your balance as you lose your fitting, your whole body pressed up against his. Your hands are on both sides of his head, your faces merely inches apart. You can see his muscles tighten then relax through his white button down shirt.
"This is a perfect position you gave me in," his voice draws you back to the real world.

You use your hands to push away, but he just pulls you closer. He holds your waist, his other hand raises your chin up to face him. Your nose almost touches his nose. The two of you are so close you can feel his breath on your face. His gaze makes you weak, your heart is rattling in your rib cage.
"The door is open, do you want us to walk out like this? Look beautiful, I want to stay like this, but not here. How about I take you to my house and we can continue what we just started there," he said, caressing your cheek.
"Just you and me," he whispered in your ear.
You blinked several times trying to bring yourself back to reality.
"You pervert," you shout, giving him a death glare.

You push yourself away from him and walk out of the opens doors, leaving him dumbfounded, yet again, in the elevator.

Jungkook POV
"Great body, so soft and warm, and her scent is so sweet, am i in love with her? Heh... I think I'm going crazy," I say to myself as I fix my tie.

Walking out of the elevator, I watch her figure disappear into the darkness of the night, the only light cascading onto her beautiful form is that of a street lamp.

My Fuckin Boss (Jungkook FF 21+) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now