Part 2

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Y/N Past
The sound of the alarm wakes you up. You stretch and go to the bathroom. You then do your morning routine in the bathroom, and put on your uniform. You tie your hair and put your shoes on, then walk downstairs for breakfast.
"Good morning Dad," you greet your father who was reading the newspaper.
"Morning Sweetheart," your dad kisses you on the cheek.
You sit next to your father and start eating your breakfast.
"Baby, you know your mother will come back home today right? and she'll be picking you up from school," your dad said while drinking his coffee.
"Really?" You sound so happy to hear that your mother will be coming home and picking you up from school.

You've missed her so much, it's been almost 3 months since you've seen her because she has to work in Japan.
"Well Dad, I'm done and I'll be going now," you rushed to drink your milk and carried your bag to the door.
"Okay sweetheart, take care, study hard, and don't skip your lunch," your dad said while caressing your hair.

At School
You get to school and greet your friends then go to class together.
"Y/N, why do you look so happy today?" Hana asked with a smile.
"My mom is coming home today and she will be picking me up here after school," you reply with a big smile.

The school bell rang signaling that the lessons will begin.

After School
The lesson is over and you rush out of school. You can't wait to see your mom and give her a big hug.
You see your mom from across the street and wave your hand.
"Mom!" You yell to her.
"Baby wait there, I'll come to you!" Your mom said, waiting to cross the street.
You nodded your head and waited for your mom.
When your mom started walking, a car suddenly started speeding, headed towards her.
"Mom watch out!" You shouted.

It happened too fast and your mom didn't have enough time to escape. The car hit her. You suddenly felt weak, seeing your mom lying on the road, covered with blood. Tears started to trickle down your cheeks as you ran to your mom.
"Mom wake up, please open your eyes mom..." You said hugging her tightly.

Suddenly you felt dizzy, and everything started to go dark. Finally, you collapsed.

In The Hospital
Your both were taken to the hospital. Your mom was brought to the Operating Room while you were brought to a different room.

1 hour later, you start to open your eyes and notice that your dad is beside you.
"Dad, where's mom? Is she all right?" You ask, tears pooling in your eyes.
"Your mom is still in the operating room, she lost a lot blood and has severe head injuries," your dad said as he looked down.
"Will mom be safe? I want to see her," You start to cry.
"Just pray for the best, for your mom," he hugged you tightly, trying to comfort you.

4 Hours Past
You and your dad are waiting in front of the operating room, your dad looks very worried and sad.

Finally the doors open. You and your dad run to see the doctor.
"How is she? Is she ok?" Your dad asks the doctor anxiously.
"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't save her. The injuries on her head were too severe, the bleeding would not stop. I did my best, but she didn't survive the surgery."
Your heart broke instantly, like there were a thousand blades puncturing it. You could not hold your tears in any longer.
"Dad, am I dreaming? Is Mom no longer alive? I can't see her anymore, I can't hug her anymore..." You sob in your dad's embrace.

3 Months Later
It's been 3 months since your mother's death.
You sat on the couch, watching TV, when suddenly you started to cry. You still miss her. Tears run down your cheeks everytime you remember the memories with you had together.
"Baby, I have something to tell you. I'll be going to America tomorrow. So don't cry, I'm still here and I will always remember your mom. It makes me hurt a lot too," your dad said while wiping your tears.
"Tomorrow? You're going so soon" You're shocked and can't hold back your tears.
"I'm sorry Sweetheart, I can't stay here. I can't hold back my pain. If i live here, I'll feel like I'm going crazy, do you want to come with me?" Your dad said while holding your hand tightly.
"No dad, I'm staying here because this house keeps all my memories with mom, I can't leave this place, I can't leave all of these memories," you sigh.

Next Day
You wake up from your sleep. You're still so tired because yesterday you were crying. Today your dad will be going to America, and you'll have to drive him to the airport.

In The Airport
Your dad holds you tight, feeling guilty for having to leave you alone.
"Take care of yourself Y/N, keep in touch, and don't skip your meals. I love you, always and forever," your dad kisses your forehead.
"I will dad, but dad, can you promise me one thing?" You look at your dad deeply.
"Anything baby," your dad smiles.
"Don't try to replace mom with another woman in your heart," Tears drop onto your cheeks.
"I promise, you know how deeply I loved your mom, I loved her so much and there's no one who can replace her in my heart," your dad hugs you and you hug him back.
"I have to go now baby, I will visit you sometime soon. I love you," he said hugging you tightly.
"I love you dad, take care" you wave your hand.

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