Part 29

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Next Day
Hana and Jimin come to visit you, they are so worried bout you last night.
" hurry Jimin,we have to checked y/n, i have to make sure if she's okay " Hana drag Jimin to the elevator.
" just relax baby, i'm sure Jungkook take care of her, and she will be fine " Jimin reply try to make his girlfriend calm.

They are out on the elevator and rushes to reach your room.
Jimin open the door walk inside while holding Hana's hand.
And he gasped to see the room, it was so mess inside.
See your clothes on the floor your underwear as well.
He looks to the bed and see you're sleeping on jungkook bare chest.
" omg,,Jimin!! I'm so happy, they are fine now, how sweet " Hana said whispering to Jimin, she didn't want to make you both woke up.
" yah Jeon Jungkook, wake up " he walk closer to Jungkook, waking up him.
Jungkook open his eyes and blinked for see Jimin in front of his eyes.
" what the hell are you doing in my apartment?? " Jimin give him a death glare, but in fact Jimin so happy to see Jungkook and you are fine.
" turn down your voice, i don't want you to waking up my wife " Jungkook smile teasing Jimin and pulls you even closer.
" you are so mean Jungkook, ok ok just continue your lovey dovey, i'm leave " Jimin said punched his chest.
" i'm so happy to see you fine with her now, take care of her Jungkook " Hana said and smile to Jungkook
" i will, thaks Hana " Jungkook smiling back to Hana.
Then Jimin and Hana leaving.

Jungkook still hugging you while you're sleeping.
You open your eyes and blushing to see Jungkook who's staring at you and give you a kiss.
" i love you babe " he smiling at you.
" i love you too oppa " you reply with a shyly face because you call him oppa.
" what?? You call me what?? " he's so happy because you call him with oppa not calling him by his name.
" you heard it, i don't say it twice " you feel so shy and bury your face on his chest.
" say it again, i loved to heard that, please " he lift your chin up to facing him with a smile on his lips.
" i love you OPPA " you said with a cute way.
" you are so cute " he gave you a kiss all over your face.
" stop it, it's tickling " you keep wriggling.
" i love you babe, so much, always and forever " he said and hugs you tight.
" shall we go home? " he said move his head back to see your face.
You nodded.
He packed your stuff and you both went to his home.

Jimin arrive at Jungkook's home after he drove Hana for work.
" Jimin? Where's Jungkook? Last night he rushes going somewhere after someone call him " Jin said so worried about Jungkook.
" he's fine hyung, he's so fine now, let's wait, he will be here soon with her wife "
Jimin laughing because he know what happen to Jungkook and you, and also he's the one who knew what you're doing in his apartment, and there're messed after having sex.
" what?? Jungkook spend the night with y/n? " RM said.
" just not spend, but you know, it was messed " Jimin chuckled.
And all the hyung laughing feeling so relief because your relationship got better now.

Jungkook arrive at the house, he walk inside while holding your hand.
" ouuhh look who is coming " J.hope shouted and clap his hand.
" ouhhh look his face, he's look so good now " Taehyung said while punched his chest.
You feel so embarrassing for coming back to his house and meet his friend.
Jungkook so happy now because he got you back.
" so y/n i'm so happy to see you here, to see you by his side " Jin said and hugging you.
" yah hyung don't do that " Jungkook shouted and pushed Jin to stay away from you.
" yah Jungkook, don't be jealous, you should be happy now, sex is best " Suga tease him and laughing.
You frowned, feel so curious why he know you having sex with Jungkook last night.
" shut up!!, don't heard him babe, he's crazy " Jungkook punched Suga chest and walking to upstair, taking you to his room.
" yah Jungkook, if you not come back here for 15 minutes, we will come to your room " Jimin shouted, teasing him.
Jungkook chuckled, he looks back to see his hyung and winked to them.
" ishhh dirty " RM shouted.
They all laughing out loud to see his act.

Jungkook open the door and walk inside while he's keep holding your hand.
" how they all know that we had sex last night, so embarrassing " you said.
Jungkook laughing.
" Jimin come to the apartment this morning,and he saw us, and i'm sure he told to them " he said.
" what?? Really?? Omg it's so embarrassing " you sigh and ruffle your hair.
Jungkook laughing to see your act.
" don't be shy babe, we are married, and of course we had sex " he smile and caressing your cheek.
" tomorrow i have to checked my pregnancy,and also we will know the baby's gender " you said.
" really?? I can't wait to see, " he said and rubbing your tummy
" a boy or a girl? " you asked to him.
" hmm..I don't mind it, if it's a boy or a girl, the most important thing is the baby's fine and healthy inside there " he said and kiss your tummy.
" i want have a baby boy " you said and smiling to him.
" why? " he said.
" My life will be more perfect, if I have two great men by my side " you said and cupped his face.
He smile to you and kiss your lips gently.

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