1. French Class

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       Nami and Robin were sunbathing and chatting about the weather, Brook was drinking tea, Zoro was probably napping somewhere on the deck of the Thousand Sunny while Chopper, Luffy and Ussop were, once again, admiring at all Franky's gadgets, like it wasn't the hundredth time that they saw it. The only one missing on the deck, was the chef of the boat. Sanji, was making some snacks for everyone – well especially for the girls. Feeling bored you decided to join the ero-cook in the kitchen. As you steped in the kitchen you heard Sanji grumble.

- I said nobody's in the kitchen while I'm cooking !If you are that hungry then eat your shoes Luffy !
- Oh...Hmmm...Sorry...I just wanted to chat with you .. but if you're busy I'll come back later !

Sanji turned around and looked at you with his creepy heart eyes.

- Oh ______-chwaaan ! Noo, you can stay, I thought it was our idiotic captain again. Take a seat, I'll give you something to eat !
- Thanks Sanji-kun.
- You're welcome my dear _____-chaan !

You sat behind the bar and watched Sanji cooking. You were captivated by him. All his movements were so gracious. As you watched him, you started to feel jealous of the food, you wished that he treats you the same way...With so much love.

- Eh, Sanji-kun ?
- Yeeeees ?!
- I was wondering, if you could teach me something ?
You shyly asked.
- I'll do anything for you ~ !
- Thank you Sanji-kun ! So is it true that you can speak french ?!
- You found out ? I love when ____-chwaaaan is curious about me !
- I was curious about french, not about you, but whatever,
you whispered.
- So what words would you like to learn ?
- Dunno...Let's see...How do you say : kitchen ?
- Cuisine,
Sanji said with a perfect accent.
- That sounds nice ! How about : a cook ?
- Un cuisinier. I love it when you're so curious, ____-chaaan !
- Ok ! More complicated, how do you say : I want to eat a chocolate cake ?
- Je veux manger un gâteau au chocolat. ____-chan, are you hungry ? Shall I make a chocolate cake done with all my love for youu ~ ?!
- Ooh, no, don't worry I'm fine Sanji-kun ! I guess I'm just inspired by all the kitchen's stuffs,
you said with a light laugh.
- Alriiiight ! Is there anything else you want to learn ?
- Well...Actually... Yes, there's one more thing...How do you say : I love you ?

The cook stayed silent for a few seconds, then, all of a sudden, Sanji stopped cooking and turned around to face you. He placed his face a few inches of yours. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. He looked at you right in the eyes. He seemed so serious right now.

- Je t'aime. He languorously said, almost like a whisper as he slowly stroked your cheek.

Now, you were sure that you were turning as red as the tomatoes in the kitchen. You stopped breathing, you were hypnotised by his blue eyes and his mouth, you couldn't stop staring at him or ignore the butterflies in your stomach. You were bewitch by him. Then, Sanji suddenly transformed into a little tornado of love with his usual heart eyes, bringing you back to your senses.

- Oh _____- chwaaan ~ Did I just make you fall in love with meee ~ ?!

Well...Maybe yes.  

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