4. Tickles.

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Sitting on the railing of the Thousand Sunny, you were enjoying the beautiful day. Well, you were trying at least. You frowned, you thought that after all this time you would get used to the perpetual quarrel between Sanji and Zoro. You glanced in their direction, they had both gripped each other collar and were yelling insults. You sighed, their stubbornness amazed you. You returned your attention to the sea, trying to ignore the brouhaha behind you. Suddenly, everything became calm until you heard someone stomping up the stairs and slamming the kitchen door. You looked questioningly at Zoro, he shrugged his shoulders, crossed his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, ignoring your silent question. You looked at the door where Sanji just had disappeared, wondering if you should come in or let him be. He must have been really pissed off since he walked next you without even being aware of your presence. You gave a little knock on the door and without waiting for an answer you walked in. Sanji was turning is back at you. "Perfect !" you thought.

- That damn shitty marimo ! You heard him mumbled.

You repressed a chuckle, you had a solution to cheer him up and you needed to be discrete for that. You slowly made your way toward him, trying to be as silent as possible, you were even holding back your breath fearing that he may heard it. Once, you were close enough, you quickly put your arms around his waist from behind.

- You shouldn't talk badly about a friend behind his back, you know Sanji-kun ! You said teasingly.

Taken aback by the sudden gesture, the cook tried to turn around to face the person holding him but, in the precipitation, he managed to fumble over your feet and took you with him in his fall. Before you touched the floor, Sanji swiftly drew you closer to his chest covering your head with his hands to protect you. You both ended on the floor, with you straddling him. You burst out laughing at the situation.

- I-I'm so sorry Sanji-kun, I didn't want to scare you ! You said wiping tears from your eyes.
- Are you ok, ____-chan ? You're not hurt ? He asked a little bit fretting.
- I'm fine what about you ? You asked worried about the fact that he thought about protecting you first.
- I'm fine as long as you are ok, ____-san ! He cooed.

You smiled and frowned then let out a sigh.

- Are you sure that you are all right ____-chan ? He asked concerned.
- Well, I had this plan to cheer you up but now I can't do it anymore, you pouted.
- Were you worried about me ? He asked suddenly happy.
- Of course, I was ! You totally ignored me earlier and run to the kitchen. You stated faking being offended.

He stared at you wide-eyed, he really hadn't noticed you earlier.

- That's because of that shitty-swordman ! He muttered.

You smiled and poked his stomach. He seemed really confused about your behavior. The, you proceeded to tickle him. You saw him biting his lower lips trying to repress a giggle as he started to wiggle under you. You flashed him a triumphant smile.

- So the infamous "Black Leg Sanji" is weak against tickles ? You stated grinning, carrying on with your sweet torture.
- S-S-S-top ! Please, ___-chan ! He managed to say.
- Hmmmm...I don't know should I ? You asked out loud.

You saw briefly something flash in his eye and before you had time to analyze the situation, you were gently flipped on your back as Sanji was now the one straddling you.

- Not bad ! You stated, really impressed.
- Thank you ! Now where did we left at ? He asked.

You gave him a frightened look.

- Ne, Sanji-kun ! You know that I was going to stop, right ? You said with an innocent smile. I was just trying to cheer you up but you seem great now !
- I'm still kind of down...But I may have find something else to cheer me up. He said as his finger brushed past your lips slowly making his way until your belly button. Now, where should I start ? He asked you.

Before you could give him a reply, the blond started to tickle the sides of your belly as you were shrieking and flailing under him.

- S-S-S-anji-kun ! Pleeeease stop ! I-I-I can't breathe anymore ! You squealed out of breath.

The cook stopped moving and let you catch your breath. You were breathless, your cheeks were sightly pink and your hair was a mess. You felt Sanji's finger brushing against your temple as he put back a lock of hair behind your ear. You stared into each other's eyes for a while. Sanji gently cupped your cheek and slowly drew closer to your face. Once, your noses were touching, he stopped and looked at you to confirm that he could go on, you quietly nodded. Your lips were about to touch when the door swung open.

- I heard you laugh, I wanna play too ! You heard your innocent captain's voice. Are you wrestling ?!

The cook sighed heavily and cursed under his breath before standind up. He offered his hand for help. As soon as you were standing again, Sanji whispered in your ear :

- We'll continue where we left off tonight.  

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