5- Late night snacks.

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You sneaked into the kitchen trying to be as discrete as possible. It was the middle of the night and you could hear snoring coming from the men's room. You knew that even thought only a huge storm could wake them up you still wanted to make as little noise as possible. You carefully closed the door behind you and headed to the cupboard searching for the only thing that kept you awake this whole time : a jar of chocolate spread. You grabbed it along side with a spoon and served yourself a huge glass of cold milk. You sat crossed legs in front of the table keeping a watch on the door. You opened up the jar and licked your lips in anticipation. You dug your spoon in and took a large portion to your mouth. You closed your eyes and opened wide your mouth ready to finally have a taste of your delicacy when the door flung open. You locked eyes with the intruder surprise reflected on both of your eyes.

"____-chan ?!" Sanji called out, "What are you doing here?"

You sheepishly and reluctantly put back the spoon into the jar.

"I was craving for something sweet...I'm sorry I know you don't like when we come into the kitchen to eat without your permission...but I really needed chocolate." You admitted looking down ashamed to have been caught in your craving session.

He walked toward the cupboard.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked showing the spoon he just searched for.

"So you're not mad at me...?" You tempted.

"I would never be mad at you ____-swan." He replied seemingly shocked. "Except maybe for the fact that you could have told me you were hungry I would have gladly made some sweets for you." He added sitting next to you.

You smiled softly at him and put the jar between you two.

"It's the middle of the night I didn't want to wake you up...and I'm satisfied with that." You said as you showed the jar.

"If it's you...You can wake me up whenever you want ___-chan." He gently said.

You muttered a "thank you" trying to hide your blush and dug into the jar to welcome the chocolate into your mouth.

"Umm!" You squealed of happiness. "It's so good!"

You heard Sanji laughed lightly at your behaviour which made your heartbeats quickened. You dug in for another mouthful trying to focus on the food rather than him.

"____-chan, wait a second you have some chocolate..." He said as he naturally stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the corner of your mouth.

You could feel the heat on your face growing warmer and your body stiffened as his thumb lingered on your lower lip, his eyes fixed on it. You stayed still waiting for him to make the move you desperately wanted him to do but he swiftly removed his hand and mumbled an apologize.

"...Thanks...It's ok...I don't mind...when it's you..." You said without hiding your deception.

"I didn't mean to upset you ___-chan, I just...sorry." He apologized once more.

He did not seem to get the signals you were sending him so you decided to take the matter into your own hands. You shifted closer to him and quickly put some chocolate on your fingers and wiped it on his lips.

"You have some chocolate too." You purred.

You slowly but determinedly leaned closer and brushed your lips against him, testing the waters. Under the lack of reactions of Sanji you were about to retreat – maybe it was too soon or he really was not into you – but as you were about to pull back you felt two robust hands cupping your cheeks and Sanji 's lips moving, kissing you back. You closed your eyes and let him take control, overwhelmed by the sweetness. He released the hold he had on your mouth and bore into your eyes, making sure that you were ok as they reflected all the answers to your questions : love. You smiled and snuggled against his hand.

"That is much better than chocolate." You whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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