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Since you have joined the Mugiwara you couldn't stop noticing one person in particular : the perverted cook. At the beginning you watched him because we was really interesting : always flirtatious and polite with girls, he was a pervert, an amazing cook and fighter, he would never miss a chance to argue with Zoro,he was helpful, intelligent...Well, he had a lot of qualities. But what you liked the most about him was that you could always tell what he was thinking, compared to other guys he wasn't afraid to show his emotions and before you could even realize you were always looking for him and little by little you had fallen in love with the ero-cook. That's why you always wanted to see more of his reactions.

You were resting on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. It was your turn to be on watch, you just moored in a new island – from what you could see, it's was a tropical island and apart maybe for some indigenous you supposed that nobody was living here. Normally you'd be impatiently waiting for your turn to explore the island, but today you felt like it was your lucky day since you wasn't the only one on the ship. You heard someone coming to your direction and stood next to you, then you smelt the familiar scent of tobacco and cooking.

- Hi, Sanji-kun ! You happily greeted him.

The cook gently smiled at you before greeting you in return.

- Hello, ____-chan ! How did you know I was there ?
- Smell it,
you responded with a smile.

Sanji looked puzzled for a second, he was probably wondering if he should change his clothes or take a shower and before he decided to do so you decided to change the subject , you didn't want to miss a precious second of your alone time with him and there was something that you were dying to try.

- Sanji-kun can I ask you a personal question ?
- Of course, ____-chwaan !
He answered before even thinking a second about it.
- Did you have your first kiss ?

Sanji looked at you for a brief moment, he wasn't sure how he should respond to that nor where this conversation was going, maybe he'll have to have THAT talk with you. He shook his head at the sad idea to be the one who will make you lose your innocence.

- Well...Y-yes I d-did...W-what about y-you ? Sanji finally said discomforted.

You tried to repress a chuckle, it was something rare to see the cook embarrassed about something.

- I had my first kiss too , you paused to watch his reaction, you noticed a brief shock mixed to anger pass through his eyes before he recomposed himself. It was with Zoro, you continued, obviously lying, still looking at him.

This time Sanji didn't try to hide his emotions : surprise, rage and something else - was it pain ? - crossed his face as he transformed into a human torch.

- I thought that you only use knives for food ?
You asked trying not to laugh out loud.
- HE'S DEAD MEAT FOR ME NOW ! I'm gonna go looking for him and kick this bastard's ass !

Sanji was ready to jump over and go look for the swordsman but you stopped him before he does so , without trying to hide your laugh anymore.

- S-sorry Sanji-kun ! I-it was only a j-joke, you managed to say.

The flames around him suddenly disappeared as he let out a big sigh of relief and relaxed.

- So you and the shitty swordsman...Never did anything ?!
- Never and I'll never do something with him, since I have someone else in mind
, you said shyly.
- Oh, ______-chwaaan you're such a meanie ! I really believed that the shitty marimo had done something unforgivable to you ! But don't worry _____-swaaan I'll protect you ! Sanji said as his eyes transformed into hearts.

You chuckled lightly while the cook was enumerating all the dangers that you might encounter. You stopped listening and started to admire him : you truly loved everything about him, him and all his funny reactions. Lost in thoughts you hadn't noticed that Sanji had stopped speaking now, he was biting his lower lips, his curly brow was slightly frown and he had light blush on his cheeks.

- Well...______ if you want to...I can be your first. Sanji almost whispered, avoiding your eyes and holding his breath, while waiting for the obvious answer. 

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