3. The Princess and the Cook.

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Your mother used to read you stories about princesses and their prince charming. But those stories were probably wrote by a peasant trying to make little girls dreaming about being a princess. You never liked those stories. The princesses always had a beautiful life, nice parents, many friends and ended up with the love of her life. But the truth wasn't that bright and as a princess yourself you knew that well. Most of the time you were stuck in your castle and even there you couldn't be alone : a guard was always by your side, you rarely saw your parents as the King and the Queen they prioritized their country over their family as for the love of your life it would probably be someone choose by your parents. However, despite everything you had one friend. The first time you met him was when he was introduced to you as one of the new chef of the royal family. You were surprised of how young he was and of course, you also noticed how good looking he was. You moved forward to introduce yourself as he took your hand and gave a small peck on the top of your hand.

- My lady you're even more beautiful than rumors had it, he told you.
- Thank you, Sanji-kun.

He stood up straight and suddenly turned into a little tornado, eyes like hearts.

- I'll make you the best food you've ever had !

The head chef smacked his head and forced him to bend over.

- Please excuse his behavior, he is a little frivolous but he is a really good chef, your highness.
- Don't worry Roberto, you appeased him, it's fine.- ____-saaaan you're as nice as you're beautiful ~ He cooed.

Roberto once again hit his head.

- Don't be so casual with the princess !
- You can call me by my name if you want to, Sanji-kun, you smiled you never liked being called your highness, majesty or princess, being called by your name was refreshing.
- Oww ____-san ! ~ He gave Roberto a sideways glance. See old man, the princess says so herself so stop hitting me already ! He grumbled.

Roberto sighed obviously already fed up with his new chef. They both went back to the kitchen as Sanji waved madly at you.

That was the first time in a while that you genuinely laughed. Your next meeting was in the kitchen. Since you were small you used to sneak unnoticed to the kitchen in the middle of night to steal candies or a dessert when you were hungry. That's why you were silently walking in the kitchen toward the fridge thinking about the cake you'd pick this time. As you opened it someone came behind you.

- You sneaky bastard ! I've finally caught you ! The person shouted.

You turned around startled and ended up face to face with the blonde haired chef. You faced each other without a word, eyes wide open.

- ____ - chan ?! He was as shocked as you were. What are you doing in the kitchen at this hour ?!

You gave him a small smile, embarrassed to have been caught stealing a cake.

- I was...hungry... You admitted.

A warm smile appeared on his lips.

- Is that so...I can make you something if you want to.
- Oh ! No, no ! Don't bother I'll eat a piece of cake and go back to bed !

Sanji frowned.

- It's not a bother, I'm a chef after all, and I can't let you eat some leftovers !
- Then I'll help you out !

Sanji lent you an apron that you put on. He silently looked you up and down.

- What it is ? You asked
- No matter what you're wearing, you're gorgeous ___-san, he seriously said.
- Th-Thanks, Sanji-kun, you blushed. Maybe I should wear it for the next ball, you jokingly said as you spin round like you were in one of your dresses.
- You would still be more beautiful than the other girls.- S-So what are we making ? You asked trying to hide your embarassment.
- Cookies ! He answered

You spent the next hour in the kitchen baking cookies with Sanji, you never had the chance to cook before and it was more difficult than you thought, even though you made a lot mistakes, Sanji was really patient and helped you out. You sat on a chair in front of Sanji as the kitchen started to be filled with a scent of fresh cookies. Sanji handed you a hot cup of something. You looked at him quizzically.

- What is it ?- Camomile tea, it helps you to sleep, he smiled.
- Thank you ! You took a sip of the hot beverage. It's good ! You exclaimed.
- I'm glad to hear it ! He smiled and lit up a cigarette, then looked at you worryingly. Do you mind ? He asked

You shook your head. You ate the cookies with him while talking about silly things. He told you about his life. His stories were amazing, you never left the castle so everything he said was like a fairy tale for you.

- ____-san you should returned to your room, it's late...or early...

You were sad for a moment, you were having so much fun with him.

- Can I come again tomorrow ? You asked.

Sanji looked surprised but smiled.

- Of course ___- chaaan ~!

You went to see him the next night and the night after. Cooking, talking and laughing with him became a routine of yours every nights.


Tonight you were making whipped cream, you looked at Sanji, wearing an evil smile.

-Sanji-kun ?

Sanji turned his face toward you as you put whipped cream on his nose. He looked surprised and he eyed the cream on his nose. He smiled at you as he took and handful of cream from the bowl and wiped it on your cheeks.

- You have some nerves to do that to your princess ! You jokingly said, quietly taking whipped cream from the bowl.
- I'm sorry your Highness, my hand slipped, he answered amused.
- I forgive you ! You said.

You were about to launch another attack but Sanji grabbed your hand before reaching his face.

- You shouldn't waste too much food, ___-san, he said not letting go of your hand.
- Oh you're right... ! You smiled and moved closer to him and licked the cream on his nose. Plus, the whipped cream is delicious. You said with a cocky smile.

Sanji didn't move and stared at you. He suddenly pushed you against the counter, pinning you against it.

- Then should I taste it as well ___-san ? He said as he leaned toward your face, looking at your reaction.

He slowly kissed away some of the cream on your cheek and slowly move his lips toward your own. You felt something pressing against your lips as he gently put his hand on your cheek, you moved your arms around his neck, allowing him to deepen your kiss. You finally pulled away.

- You were right ____-chaan, the whipped cream tastes delicious !

You blushed.

- Oh so you only liked the cream ? You asked faking being offended.
- Of course, the cream is nothing compared to you ____-chaaan ! ~- I'm glad to hear it, you said.

Your smile widened as Sanji leaned into kiss you again. You eagerly welcomed another sweet kiss.

It was the beginning of your fairy tale. 

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