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Hi, I'm anxious.

I worry about everything. I worry that I'll crash my car, I worry that I'll choke on my food, I worry that my parents will suddenly lose all of our money and we'll be homeless, I worry that people will find out I'm not perfect and that they'll hate me for it, I worry that people around me will die. It goes on and on and on. 

It keeps me up at night. I guess you could even say I'm paranoid. I feel like I'm constantly being watched, like every move I make is judged and taken note of. And in a way, it's true, because I am under the pressure of perfection. Oh well.

In situations where most people feel safe and perfectly fine, I'm always on high alert, making sure no one suspicious is watching, or that everyone else looks okay.

Is it even possible for me to be carefree anymore?

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