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Hi, I'm invisible.

People often look at others, and immediately take them at face value. "First impressions matter." So, the people around me take one glance and immediately assume that they have me figured out. We are all prey to this practice; we do it ourselves, and it is done to us. 

Since I'm known to always have it together, with no hair out of place or pencil missing, people conclude that I don't struggle with anything, that I know what I'm doing all the time, and if I don't know what I'm doing at first, that I'll figure it out with the snap of a finger. They never stop to think that maybe, maybe I have bad days. Maybe I get sad. Maybe I am actually human.

No one sees me for my thoughts. They only see what I show to everyone. I, as myself, am invisible. People's idea of me overshadows and overbears anything I would ever want to be unique for.

Is it even possible for me to be seen anymore?

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